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Tomato fruit (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., cv. Castelmart) were harvested at various degrees of ripeness and exposed to ethanol vapor at 0, 2, or 4, ml·kg-1 in a 20-liter jar for 0, 2, 4, or 6 hours at 20C. Ripening was measured as changes in subjective color and in firmness and production of CO2 and ethylene. The soluble solids concentration (percent), titratable acidity (percent), and pH were measured at the end of the storage period when the fruit were red-ripe. Ethanol's inhibition of ripening was not confined to mature-green fruit, but also inhibited reddening of breaker, turning, and pink fruits. Storage of mature-green fruit at 20, 15, or 12C after treatment with 0 or 2 ml ethanol/kg at 20C prolonged the delay in ripening for 5, 6, and 7 days, respectively, compared with controls. There was no reduction in the quality of these fruit when they were red-ripe, even though there was an 11-day difference between the time the 20C control and the 12C-treated fruit became red-ripe. An informal panel did not detect any differences in flavor between these control and ethanol-treated fruit that were red-ripe. Increasing the duration of exposure to ethanol vapors from 2 to 6 hours had a pronounced effect on ethylene and CO2 production, but it did not significantly prolong the inhibition of ripening of mature-green fruit nor did it change their rate of softening during ripening. Increasing the temperature during exposure increased the effectiveness of ethanol, with the same level of inhibition produced by 6 hours at 20C, 4 hours at 25C, or 2 hours at 30C. Postharvest use of ethanol vapor to retard ripening may be a useful technique to extend the market life of tomato fruit.

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-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) synthase (ACS: EC gene expression ( Kathiresan et al., 1997 ). However, the function of GAD in climacteric ethylene biosynthesis and postharvest fruit ripening is unclear. The banana ( Musa acuminata L. AAA group cv

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those reported for soursop ( Annona muricata L.), a highly perishable climacteric fruit (250 mL CO 2 /kg·h −1 and 100 μL C 2 H 4 /kg·h −1 ) ( Bruinsma and Paull, 1984 ). It is important to note that the respiration intensity of the P. schiedeana

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ethylene production in apples [ Malus sylvestris (L.) Mill. var. domestica (Borkh.) Mansf.] ( Saniewski et al., 1988 ), but production decreased when MeJA was applied at the climacteric stage ( Miszczak et al., 1995 ). Auxin had an effect on ACC

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elucidate the climacteric ethylene production in dudaim fruit. Although the postharvest attributes in other groups of melon such as inodorus ( C. melo Group Inodorus) and cantalupensis ( C. melo Group Cantalupensis) have been investigated extensively, the

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harvest [0 h (ethylene production was below detectable limits)], and the second-stage fruit were selected when the ethylene production climacteric began [96 h after harvest (9.75 nL·g −1 ·h −1 ethylene)]. In the 2006 season, the flesh of kiwifruit with

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). Important quality attributes in apples include fruit size, flavor, texture, color, shape, and nutritional values ( Weiyan et al., 2020 ). Many quality attributes such as firmness, color, sugar, and volatiles in climacteric fruits are affected by their

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both cultivars ( Table 1 ). In ‘Shangnong Jinhuanghou’, a respiration climacteric was observed at Stage 4 in tepals; whereas in pistils, the highest respiration rate occurred at Stage 3, and a dramatic decrease was observed at Stage 4 followed by a

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applicable to a great number of samples. A precise way to determine the onset of the ripening process without fruit destruction is by monitoring the respiration rate or the ethylene production ( Wills et al., 1998 ). The ripening of apple, as all climacteric

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short shelf life. Guava is a climacteric fruit exhibiting respiratory and ethylene peaks, which causes the guava to rapidly achieve senescence ( Nakasone and Paull, 1998 ). This makes the fruit inappropriate for consumption after a short period of time

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