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  • Prunus persica x
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Commercial peach ( Prunus persica ) growers in the southeastern United States depend heavily on the early harvest of peaches for their income given their cost of production and postharvest handling. Once later-maturing cultivars become available

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/TFL family protein sequences of Prunus persica and TFL1 proteins of other Rosaceae species. z Fig. 5. Phylogenetic analysis of FT/TFL1 family members of Rosaceae species. The phylogenetic relationships were established by maximum likelihood analysis of

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) were used to describe the relationship between fruit color development and time from harvest in ‘Majestic Pearl’ nectarine [ Prunus persica var. nucipersica (Scalisi et al. 2021a)]. A mobile platform that quickly scans large commercial orchards and

Open Access

Tree Genet. Genomes 10 1271 1279 Cipriani, G. Lot, G. Huang, W.G. Marrazzo, M.T. Peterlunger, E. Testolin, R. 1999 AC/GT and AG/CT microsatellite repeats in peach [ Prunus persica (L) Batsch]: Isolation, characterisation and cross-species amplification

Free access

. 2. Multiple alignments of the deduced amino acid sequences of PpMADS13–1 and PpMADS13–2 and those of Prunus persica ( Ppdam1 , DQ863253; Ppdam2 , DQ863255; Ppdam3 , DQ863256; Ppdam4 , DQ863250; Ppdam5 , DQ863251; and Ppdam6 , DQ863252

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. We used the observed developmental rates at 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20 °C to estimate a thermal time parameter (base temperature) for the development of two different developmental events: floral budbreak in peach [ Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] and seed

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Peach ( Prunus persica ) originated in northwest China, was introduced to Persia and the Mediterranean region via the Silk Route, and spread to colonies in America and other regions around the world ( Faust and Timon, 1995 ; Li et al., 2013

Open Access

2010 ). Many deciduous tree fruit species grown in California export low rates of P in comparison with nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) ( Muhammad et al. 2015 ), ranging from 1 lb/ton P in peaches ( Prunus persica ) to 18 lb/ton P in almond kernels

Open Access

. Costell, E. Romojaro, F. 2005 Effects of the degree of maturity on the chemical composition, physical characteristics and sensory attributes of peach ( Prunus persica ) cv. Caterin Food Sci. Technol. Intl. 11 345 352 Crisosto, C.H. Crisosto, G.M. 2005

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Peach ( Prunus persica ) is a high-value stone fruit that is widely cultivated throughout temperate and subtropical zones ( Akagi et al., 2016 ; Crisosto et al., 1999 ). Over the past few decades, peach cultivars have been mainly selected for

Open Access