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, when used in vegetable crops, often relies on fall-planted cover crops in lieu of crop residues to provide soil coverage and prevent erosion during winter ( Carrera et al., 2007 ). These cover crops, when killed the following spring, provide organic

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, especially in organic strawberry production, could also help save producers considerable money ( Sarrantonio, 2007 ). Cover crop residues may be releasing nutrients slowly over the strawberry season, yet it is difficult to assess when and how much nutrients

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higher yield in the next year. Even in the control plot, fertilization during the growth season and remaining crop residues after bell pepper fruits were harvested might contribute some carryover for the next season. Furthermore, sorghum sudangrass was

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crimson clover ( Trifolium incarnatum ). Three weeks before strawberry planting, glyphosate (Roundup Original; Monsanto, St. Louis, MO) was applied to the cover crop. A week later, the cover crop residue was mowed down creating a vegetative residue layer

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estimating crop residue cover Soil Use and Management. 7 177 182 Morgan, J.A. Brown, R.H. 1983 Photosynthesis and growth of bermudagrass swards. I. Carbon dioxide exchange characteristics of swards mowed at weekly and

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. 2007 Economic analysis of processing tomato growing: The case study of Torbali, West Turkey Spanish J. Agr. Res. 5 1 1934 1940 Erenstein, O. 2002 Crop residue mulching in tropical and semi-tropical countries: An evaluation of residue availability and

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accumulated in the above-ground portion of plants grown in the 0 kg N/ha treatment. Plant N content in above-ground plant vegetative and reproductive tissues were presented as crop residue (i.e., N remaining in the field) and crop removal (i.e., N removed from

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completely mineralize during the zucchini cropping cycle. However, some of the N contained in the cover crop residues could be potentially available for the next crop. The GM and RC treatments were associated with an increase in marketable zucchini yield

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systems under operational conditions. Literature Cited Bakht, J.M.S. Jan, M.T. Shah, Z. 2009 Influence of crop residue management, cropping system and N fertilizer on soil N and C dynamics and sustainable wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) production Soil

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of damage and disease, but there are no specific requirements for size or shape. Treatments Strip tillage. In October, crop residues were incorporated by disking and rye was seeded; the seeding rate was 123 kg·ha −1 in 2010 and 184 kg·ha −1 in 2011

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