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‘Sweethaven’, ‘Newhaven’, and ‘Jayhaven’ are 3 new cultivars o f melting, yellowfleshed peaches [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] distributed for public nursery sales as products of an ongoing, long-term breeding program in Michigan (Table 1).

Open Access

percentage of mixed nodes observed at the north–central location was most likely a result of cooler temperatures during bud formation. We observed stresses from both environment and disease during the summer and fall of 2004. The incidence of bacterial spot

Free access

Analysis of a five-parent diallel in a greenhouse estimated general and specific combining ability (GCA and SCA) effects for resistance of Japanese plum (Prunus salicina Lindl. and hybrids) to Xanthomonas campestris pv. pruni (Smith) Dye stem canker, as measured by length of inoculated cankers, canker appearance rating, and canker expansion rate. `Friar' and `Gulfruby' were the most susceptible parents. `Burbank', `Wilson', and' Wade' had similar GCA values for length of inoculated cankers, but' Wade' was the superior parent in transmitting canker resistance, as measured by canker appearance rating. SCA was not important in determining the performance of a cross. Canker appearance rating was the best measure of resistance in the greenhouse tests and provided a greater separation of GCA estimates and lower coefficient of variation.

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