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  • spider flower x
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red spider mites ( Tetranychus urticae Koch.) ( Hummer, 1999 ). Male parent (P9/11/14) is a blackcurrant selection developed by R. Brennan at the Scottish Crop Research Institute (recently James Hutton Institute) in Dundee, Scotland. It originated

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horticulture. The Iridaceae, containing 27 genera and ≈700 species in the CFR ( Manning et al., 2002 )—among them the well-known genera Freesia and Gladiolus— are characterized by their diversity of flower colors ( Niederwieser et al., 2002 ). Freesia laxa

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). Most are planted on raised beds on 72-inch centers and a middle bed for walking on. All of the listed cucurbits are susceptible to nematodes, aphids, leafhoppers, several viruses, and spider mites. A lepidopterous insect feeds on the exterior causing

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bud break, abnormal flower development, and reduces leaf area and flower number ( Carew et al., 2000 ; Erez, 1987 ). Furthermore, dormancy may restrict elongation of lateral shoots after bud break, resulting in rosette-like growth ( Erez, 1999

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colorful leaves, flowers, fruits, and beautiful tree habit; it has also been used in apple cultivation as a rootstock and pollinator due to its wide adaptability and abundant pollen production ( Dudash et al., 2011 ; Henry, 2007 ). In addition, its fruits

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; tolerant of two-spotted spider mites ( Tetranychus urticae ), aphids, and flower thrips ( Frankliniella occidentalis ), moderately tolerant of botrytis fruit rot ( Botrytis cinerea ), and powdery mildew. BG-1975 (Virtue). Short-day strawberry primarily

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kept defoliation to <8%. Flowers were unprotected by azadirachtin treatments. Imidacloprid provided reasonable control of blooms (<8%) when 30% of untreated blooms were damaged. Leaf and bloom damage was <2% on imidacloprid- and azadirachtin

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: moderate vigor, medium stolon number, 28 daughter plants; very high yield 2,566 g/plant; flowers at or above canopy, fruiting trusses; moderately resistant to powdery mildew; tolerant to two-spotted spider mite ( Tetranychus urticae ), local strawberry

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This article focuses on designing and building a major exhibit at the Bella Italia-themed 2009 Philadelphia Flower Show, which took place on Mar. 1st through 8th, 2009. Hosted by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS), the annual event is the

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unbranched and develop opposite the leaves but are somewhat discontinuous along the shoot. Flowers are pistillate. Berries of ‘Eudora’ are oval and purple with visible lenticels on the skin surface, weigh ≈10 g, and typically have three or four seeds

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