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Tropical lines of Phaseolus spp. planted in Hawaii in spring or early summer included types which bloomed in the usual 30-45 days and types which did not bloom until days had begun to shorten in the fall. Short day types bloomed at daylengths between 113/4 and 131/4 hr, with the majority blooming between 121/2 and 13 hr. P. vulgaris, P. lunatus, and P. calcaratus included both short-day and day-neutral types. All lines of P. aconitifolius, P. acutifolius, and P. angularis were day-neutral. Single lines of P. erythroloma and P. cf. stenolobus were short-day, and single lines of P. pilosus, P. radiatus, and P. bracteatus were day-neutral.

Open Access

89 WORKSHOP 4 (Abstr. 166–169) Strategies of Selection, Introduction, and Release of Asexually Propagated Ornamental Plants

Free access


Breeding programs depend upon genetic variation. Visual plant markers traditionally have been used in crop improvement. However, molecular markers provide additional selection criteria. Of the molecular markers available, isozymes are preferred by many researchers because they are expressed in young tissue as codominants and are easily extracted and detected. Mature plants may bias estimation of hybrid purity, whereas estimations of hybrid purity can be obtained at an early stage by enzyme analysis (1, 2, 4).

Open Access

Affairs Population Division, 2009 ). A number of studies have shown positive effects on plant growth and productivity from an increase in atmospheric CO 2 concentration ( Kimball et al., 2002 ). An increase in CO 2 concentration (from 330 μmol·mol −1 to

Free access