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, the exact mechanisms behind plant/microbe interactions and their potential use in hydroponics systems are still not clearly understood and require further investigation. With the development of beneficial microbes as biostimulant products, such as

Open Access

). The subsequent development of hydroponics during the 1920s ( Gericke, 1921 , 1922 ) and sand-culture techniques in the 1930s ( Biekart and Connors, 1935 ; Eaton, 1931 ) helped establish the principles underlying modern subirrigation systems

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research in a variety of disciplines (forest ecology, wetland ecology, hydroponics, etc.) has suggested that plant growth and nutrient uptake vary by species, cultivar, and the characteristics of the system ( Härdtle et al., 2004 ; Wagner et al., 2016

Open Access

.F. Ban, T. Matsubara, H. Adachi, F. Asao, T. 2013 Growing carrots hydroponically using perlite substrates Sci. Hort. 159 113 121 Atkin, K. Nichols, M.A. 2004 Organic hydroponics Acta Hort. 648 121 127 Burlakoti, R.R. Zandstra, J. Jackson, K. 2013

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salinity at two ripening stages on the fruit quality of single-truss tomato grown in hydroponics J. Hort. Sci. Biotechnol. 74 690 693 10.1080/14620316.1999.11511174 Sakiyama, R. 1966 Changes in acid contents of tomato fruits during development J. Jpn. Soc

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prepared by cutting 98-count rockwool cube sheets (1.5 inch 3 ), soaking them for 30 min in water adjusted to pH 5.5 using a pH down buffering solution (General Hydroponics, Sebastopol, CA), and then seeding with the scarified and soaked butterfly pea seeds

Open Access

Plant Sci. 168 1547 1560 Soffer, H. Burger, D.W. 1989 Plant propagation using an aero-hydroponics system HortScience 24 154 Tombesi, S. Palliotti, A. Poni, S. Farinelli, D. 2015 Influence of light and shoot development stage on leaf photosynthesis and

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.R. Jacques, D.J. Sartain, J.B. Trenholm, L.E. Yeager, T.H. 2016 Solution ammonium: Nitrate ratio and cation/anion uptake affect acidity or basicity with floriculture species in hydroponics Sci. Hort. 200 36 44 Goertz, H.M. 1993 Controlled release technology

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HortScience 44 1974 1977 Soffer, H. Burger, D.W. 1989 Plant-propagation using an aero-hydroponics system HortScience 24 154 10.21273/HORTTECH.5.3.265 U.S. Department of Agriculture 2016 2014 census of horticultural specialties. 27 May 2016. < https

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the extension of harvest period of cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L.) grown in non-renewal hydroponics J. Jpn. Soc. Hort. Sci. 68 598 602 Bogash, S. 2017 High tunnel trellised cucumber variety trial: 2013. 1 Jan. 2018. < https

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