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This symposium was sponsored primarily by the Commercial Horticulture Working Group in the Extension Division of ASHS. The International Horticultural Congress provides an excellent opportunity for horticulturists, especially horticultural educators, from around the world to exchange experiences and ideas. Extension in the context of this symposium refers to the transfer of technology or the linkage from a research-based information pool to producers, processors, marketers, and consumers of horticultural commodities. Extension programs are expected to help ensure the adoption of appropriate technologies by individuals, groups, or segments of an industry. The primary goals of an extension program are to increase production, product quality, business profits, and/or the quality of life. This symposium involved uniquely qualified individuals in describing and contrasting model extension delivery systems from around the world.

Open Access

There is a fundamental need for the land grant system to debate and rediscover its place in society as a learning organization founded upon enhanced internal and external connectivity. Two critical connections are the linkage between research and extension, and cooperation among the states. As with any system in which the component parts are no longer functionally integrated, the land grant system is declining in vitality. Poor cooperation among states and weak linkages between the research and extension functions have reduced the capacity of the system to serve the public good. The New England Extension Consortium was created to enhance public access to the research base of the land grant universities and to increase the efficiency and efficacy of extension programs in the six New England states.

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“Backyard Farmer” is a Cooperative Extension (CE) television program that airs one night a week on the Nebraska Educational Television Network (ETV). “Backyard Farmer” is a one-hour program which airs throughout the lawn and gardening season from approximately April 1 to September 1 each year. This program combines a live call-in format, along with mailin questions and samples to be answered by the panel. In addition they discuss timely topics which are illustrated by videotapes and live demonstrations. The panelists are specialists in horticulture, entomology, plant pathology and agronomy (weed science).

Slightly over two-thirds of the Nebraska households (69%) were familiar with “Backyard Farmer”. Backyard Farmer has been watched in 49% of Nebraska households. Thus Backyard Farmer is viewed in approximately 270,000 households.

Viewers are more likely than non-viewers to have sought advice from Cooperative Extension in the past two years. Although the total number of viewers in the urban area was higher than in the rural area, there was a higher proportion of viewers in the rural area. Nearly half of the “Backyard Farmer” viewing audience (47%) was under age 45.

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The Training and Visit (T&V) system of agricultural extension has been widely adopted over the past decade. It is now being used in at least 40 countries. Many governments have contributed significant resources to implementing the system. Multi- and bilateral development organizations have also been involved. The World Bank, the leading development agency in this respect, has invested about $2.4 billion in extension activities.

Open Access

A list of the consumer horticulture publications available from the cooperative extension service of each state was compiled. This list was prepared under the auspices of the ASHS Extension Consumer Horticulture Working Group and will be available for distribution. This list includes extension publications, leaflets and other extension materials appropriate for continuing education programs in consumer horticulture.

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poinsettias can develop branches that are more susceptible to breakage and increase transportation costs ( Clifford et al., 2004 ). Therefore, plant growth retardants are commonly used to suppress stem extension to produce more compact plants. Chlormequat

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Authors: , , and

In a unique partnership. the University of Kentucky Dept. of Horticulture, the Cooperative Extension Service, and the Kentucky State Division of Forestry are teaming up to produce two training packages for “train-the-trainer” workshops throughout the state. The workshops will be open to people interested in urban/community trees and arboriculture.

The first training session will be held in 1993 and will cover five modules: 1) Designing the planting site to compensate for a disturbed environment; 2) Species selection for the existing site; 3) Scientific planting techniques; 4) Post-planting care: and 5) Integrated pest management.

The second training session will be held in 1994 and will cover the following topics: 1) Establishing a scientific management program for the urban forest; 2) Preparation and administration of grants: 3) Fund-raising and efficient use of volunteers; 4) Developing an urban tree inventory; 5) Recognition of hazard trees; and 6) Selecting quality nursery stock.

The training packages will consist of a written manual, videos, and slide sets. Training sessions are open to foresters, county agents, city planners, developers, and others in Kentucky who are interested in returning to their communities and training others on the topics covered.

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37 ORAL SESSION 4 (Abstr. 419-426) Extension: Technology Transfer

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180 ORAL SESSION (Abstr. 736-743) Education/Extension

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, a transdisciplinary group of research and extension professionals undertook a national nursery survey with the objectives of 1) identifying the strategies currently in use to address the labor shortage and 2) evaluating current adoption of automated

Open Access