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  • "crop residues" x
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, conventional, and chisel tillage under simulated rainfall Trans. ASAE 33 1557 1562 CTIC 2004 Conservation tillage trends 1990–2004 National Crop Residue Management Survey. Conservation Technology Information Center West Lafayette, IN Derpsch, R. Roth, C

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maintains 30% surface cover with cash or cover crop residue ( Soil Science Society of America, 2005 ), could potentially balance some of the negative production-based impacts on soils. In practice, conservation tillage can be achieved by minimizing tillage

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pumpkins in no-till production systems. No-till pumpkin production may be a solution to reduce soil erosion on land with relatively high slopes commonly available to growers in the Mountain region of North Carolina. The use of cover crop residues for no

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( Agehara and Warncke, 2005 ; Hartz and Johnstone, 2006 ) and second weeks ( Koller et al., 2004 ). Khalil et al. (2005) observed a rapid increase in ammonia production in the first 2 weeks for crop residues and chicken manure. The potential of BM as an

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was removed from the study site. Soil and groundcover sampling and analysis. Starting 1 month after application of 15 N-enriched compost, samples of soil, wood chip duff, and cover crop residue were taken ≈15 cm from the base of each tree

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early ASD research in The Netherlands (where this soil treatment is often referred to as biological soil disinfestation), several researchers examined impacts of ASD treatment using fresh grass or crop residues as a C source on soilborne pathogens of

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use of PCS with peat is, however, limited. The few previous studies that have evaluated PCS or other crop residues suggested that they may produce biomass yields similar to those of peat ( Peterson and Jackson, 2014 ; Vaughn et al., 2011 , 2013

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systems that incorporate the use of a warm-season legume cover crop. The high level of nitrogen provided by cowpea cover crop residue is important in organic crop production where the use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers is prohibited. Additionally, a

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The use of brassica crop residues and seed meal to manage soilborne disease has gained interest as an alternative control strategy to traditional soil fumigants. Brassica soil amendments have been found to be effective in reducing soilborne pathogen

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organic potting mix ≈3 weeks before planting. Immediately after rolling the mulch, the transplants were manually planted by hand-digging, inserting the plant into the cover crop residue, and then replacing the mulch. The transplants were manually watered

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