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  • nutrient deficiency x
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The use of synthetic iron (Fe) chelates in fertigation is the most common method to alleviate iron deficiency in crops. Several factors that determine the effectiveness of Fe chelates have been described such as the dosage applied and how theses

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to iron deficiency. In fact, the nutrient solution pH gradually increased at both higher and lower iron concentrations. Similar absence of acidification has been reported in genotypes in the Malus , Prunus , and Vitis genera ( Gogorcena et al

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et al., 2005 ). In controlled environments such as greenhouses, hydroponic systems are commonly used to produce basil ( Hochmuth and Cantliffe, 2012 ; Walters and Currey, 2015 ). Nutrient solutions can influence growth, appearance, nutritional value

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tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum ) ( Rivero et al., 2007 ), flooding in arabidopsis ( Huynh et al., 2005 ; Zhang et al., 2000 ), cold in tall fescue ( Hu et al., 2005 ), and nutrient deficiency in tobacco ( Jordi et al., 2000 ). Leaf senescence is a typical

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-containing fertilizers would result in superior growth or visual quality. Gilman et al. (2000) reported no response to applied phosphorus (P) or K in live oak, but this species rarely exhibits deficiencies of any nutrient element in the landscape. Broschat et al

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content was measured weekly on the first and second fully open leaf on each plant using a SPAD meter (Spectrum Technologies, Aurora, IL). Nutrient deficiency treatment. Petunia seeds were germinated in a soilless mix as described previously. Four

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B toxicity and Mo deficiency increases with decreasing pH. Nevertheless, specific responses of leafy greens and herbs to lower-than-conventional pH and possible mitigation of nutrient disorders under low pH by adjusting nutrients are not known. If

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observed in CRF-grown plants were consistent with copper toxicity and calcium deficiency described by Sonneveld and Voogt (2009) . Despite the low Mg concentration encountered in tissue samples ( Table 6 ) and in the residual nutrient solution ( Table 7

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internodes) and small leaves similar to Zn deficiency ( Bové, 2006 ; da Graça, 1991 ). Nutrient deficiencies have been shown to develop in HLB-affected trees, including Mn, Zn, P, Ca, Mg, and Fe ( Aubert, 1979 ; Handique et al., 2012 ; Rouse et al., 2012

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, identifying nutrient deficiencies in Agave spp. can be difficult because visual symptoms are not always obvious ( Ruiz-Luna et al., 2011 ). Indeed, Ruiz-Luna et al. (2011) observed that nutritional deficiencies in agaves may not be manifest for up to 12

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