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The organic acid composition of blueberries of three highbush (Vaccinium corymbosum) cultivars, three rabbiteye (V. ashei cultivars and nine southern highbush (V. corymbosun hybrids) cultivars or selections was determined by HPLC. Species means off the individual acids (citric, malic, succinic, and quinic), expressed as a percentage of total acid, formed profiles or patterns that are thought to be characteristic of the species. Citric (75%) was the predominant acid in highbush fruit with lesser percentages of succinic (13%), quinic (9.6%), and malic (2.7%). The percent composition of rabbiteye berries [quinic (49%), succinic (39%), citric (6.7%), malic (5%)] was distinctly different from highbush. The acid profile of southern highbush fruit reflected their V. corymbosum heritage with an acid profile similar to that of highbush. When related to a clone's pedigree, these results suggest that organic acid profiles may be a useful screening tool for studying the contribution of southeastern native species such as V. darrowi or V. ashei to the inheritance of organic acids.
were bred by recurrent selection in areas with warm winters. Breeding started with hybrids between northern highbush cultivars and low-chill wild blueberries from the southeastern United States, notably V. darrowi ( Sharpe and Darrow, 1960 ; Sharpe
)] × 37-9. It is likely that 37-9 resulted from selfing of the northern highbush selection US 37. Fla65-28 resulted from a cross of A [Fla4B ( V. darrowi ) × V. virgatum clone #3] × (‘Berkeley’ × Fla4B) × E-22. E-22 is another northern highbush selection
, including V. corymbosum , V. darrowi , and V. ashei . ‘Suziblue’ has an estimated chill requirement of 400 to 450 h (less than 7 °C). It is an early-season southern highbush with large fruit (2.2 to 2.8 g/berry). Berries are medium to light blue in color
complex pedigree containing V. ashei Reade, V. constablaei Gray, V. corymbosum L., and V. darrowi Camp. ‘Summer Sunset™’ ripens around the time of the early-ripening commercial rabbiteye cultivars Climax and Premier. However, the new cultivar
seedling population derived from a cross of MS122 × MS6 made in Beltsville, MD, in 1988 ( Fig. 1 ), and its pedigree shows that it is a complex hybrid involving species including V. corymbosum , V. darrowi , and a small amount of V.virgatum that
%. V. a . = V. ashei (syn. V. virgatum ); V. c. = V. corymbosum; V. d. = V. darrowi; V. e. = V. elliottii ; V. t. = V. tenellum . Fig. 3. Effect of pollinator visitation on ( A ) berry weight and ( B ) seeds per berry for the five species of
, ‘Legacy’, which is three-fourths V . corymbosum and one-fourth the southern species V. darrowi Camp, was the least cold hardy at initial evaluation, even less so than ‘Tifblue’ (100% southern species V. ashei ). ‘Legacy’ had an LT 50 of −16 °C
southern highbush blueberry (predominantly V. corymbosum with a low chilling trait from V. darrowi Camp.) because it is earlier ripening than rabbiteye blueberry. However, there is also a desire for earlier ripening rabbiteye blueberries to bridge the
.M. 1984 In vitro induction of tetraploidy in Vaccinium darrowii, V. elliottii, and V.darrowi x V. elliotti with colchicine treatment J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 109 4 6 Sampson, B.J. Stringer, S.J. Marshall, D.A. 2013 Blueberry floral attributes and