cover crop establishment ( Mirsky et al., 2013 ). Broiler litter rates were calculated to approximate agronomic recommendations P fertilizers for the vegetable crops based on initial soil test P values (11.6 mg Mehlich I P/kg soil; Mehlich, 1953
greens, herbs, and vegetables field grown in New Jersey. Fig. 9. Amaranth: nutritional value of high-yielding varieties field-grown in New Jersey. In edamame soy, the isoflavones, daidzein, genistein, glycitein, and their derivatives were found to be the
Western Hemisphere ( Arikit et al., 2011 ; Juwattanasomran et al., 2011 ). Because immature seeds of vegetable soybean, compared with seeds of normal soybean varieties, have added-value traits, such as high sweet taste, distinct fragrance, and large size
greater variation (i.e., wider range of yield potential increases potential variation in yield estimates). This suggests that the VVN may have the greatest potential value as a decision-support tool for fruiting vegetables and other crops with greater
composition on total weight of edible part (g/plant fresh weight) of four lettuce varieties. Effect of nitrate content on vegetable species: Comparison with mean values and legal maximum limits Figure 1 shows the resulting mean values of the nitrate content
The greenhouse industry is focused on the consumer market. Consumers demand a diverse array of high-quality vegetables. Among vegetables, tomato is the most important for its high consumption and dietary quality as it contains mainly health
values of red, green, and blue. In contrast, color spaces such as CIELab were designed to approximate human perception of color [ Commission Internationale de l'Éclairage (CIE), 1978 ]. CIELab color space is a reference standard and is most commonly used
differentiate products from competitors and enhance the perceived product value ( Kotler and Keller, 2009 ). Branding helps to create the perception of added value and/or distinguishes a company’s products from competitors’. Differentiation and enhancing
to the forest floor and it makes use of line quantum sensors or radiometers ( Pierce and Running, 1988 ), laser point quadrats ( Wilson, 1963 ), and capacitance sensors ( Vickery et al., 1980 ). These instruments have already proven their value in
from commercial fields located near Moultrie, GA and the University of Georgia Tifton Vegetable Park in Tifton; however, in 2018, fruit were collected only from the latter field. In Spring 2017, ‘PS09979325’ (Seminis, St. Louis, MO) fruit were collected