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  • spider flower x
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, especially H. moscheutos and its hybrids, have attractive, tropical-looking flowers reaching up to 30 cm in diameter. Winter-hardy hibiscus species are long-day plants ( Warner and Erwin, 2001 ) that abundantly produce flowers from midsummer through late

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western flower thrips ( Fig. 5 ). Alternative products containing attractants/stimulants or alarm pheromones are commercially available against mite pests such as the twospotted spider mite ( Tetranychus urticae ). For example, the product Stirrup M

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Today’s cut flower industry is globalized. In the United States, imports of cut flowers began in the 1960s ( Conlon, 2016 ). Over the last 20 years, cut flower exports have more than doubled in size from about $4 billion in 1995 to more than $8

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Crabapple is a common name for Malus domestica , which has a small diameter fruit (<5 cm), a range of beautiful flower colors (white, pink, red), and has been called a “national beauty.” In addition, crabapple is often valued for its diverse

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control (polyethylene with rolled-up sides). An additional benefit of screens is reflective properties that serve to repel certain insects such as western flower thrips ( Frankliniella occidentalis ) ( Antignus, 2000 ). Growers should be aware that

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because of their diversity of habit, including columnar, fastigiate, upright, spreading, drooping, and weeping; various flower colors, such as white, pink, red, and purple; colorful foliage, such as yellow-green, green, gradient, red-brown, purple; and

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Crabapple is one of the most important ornamental small trees and shrubs, and includes all wild species of the genus Malus and its horticultural cultivars (fruit diameter ≤ 5 cm). Most are highly valued due to their range of flower colors

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challenges, powdery mildew and two-spotted spider mites are the predominant pest problems encountered during cucumber production under protected cultural systems ( Ingwell et al., 2018 ; Lamont et al., 2003 ; Morishita et al., 2003 ; Sabelis, 1984 ). High

Open Access

), and are important ornamental trees in temperate zones because of their excellent floral displays (flower type, diameter, shape, and color), colorful fruit (shades of lime green, amber, gold, yellow, orange, red, and purple), wide range of growth habits

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year that caused stunted growth and reduced stem quality, which reflected in the reduced number of marketable stems. Western flower thrips and two-spotted spider mites are common greenhouse pests that are hard to control and appropriate actions were

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