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  • small-berry cultivar x
  • Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science x
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immediately dipped in a small reservoir of the dye solution. Infusion through the cut pedicel was allowed to occur for 6 to 7 h under laboratory conditions. Berries were then either cross-sectioned at the proximal (pedicel) and distal (stylar) end or were

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berries are very useful for freezing and processing as well as for machine harvesting. The main disadvantage of this cultivar is its high plant and fruit susceptibility to powdery mildew and leaf spot, and these pathogens cause serious problems in the

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Commercial red raspberry cultivars suited to machine-harvest and process markets need to have a high yield of good-quality fruit that is easily removed during the harvest operations. In the PNW, this has been achieved using the cultivar Meeker

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) by the presence of smaller clusters, unbranched tendrils, and berries with thick skins and a unique fruity aroma. Muscadine berries often abscise from the cluster when ripe and are harvested as single berries. In addition, the Muscadinia species

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, and defense against ultraviolet light, pathogens, insect herbivory, and other biotic and abiotic stresses ( Benoit and Berry, 1997 ; Berhow and Vaughn, 1999 ; Brignolas et al., 1998 ; Murphy et al., 2000 ; Ryan et al., 2002 ). Subtropical peaches

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value ( Widmer and Stadler, 2003 ). Visual symptoms are a loss of turgescence in the pedicel (proximal) end of the fruit, whereas the stylar (distal) end remains turgescent. Cultivars differ in susceptibility to neck shrivel, but several commercial

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cultivars ( Fig. 2 ). In ‘Premier’, 92% and 98% of the berries detached at the PPJ in 2011 and 2012, respectively. In ‘Briteblue’, 98% of the fruit detached at the PPJ in both years of this study. A similar trend of natural fruit detachment was also observed

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tree peony population was small but still had many unique alleles possibly resulting from the many species involved in hybridizing of the garden cultivars that were used in this study. Analytic factors. As expected for dinucleotide-containing SSRs

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tomato ( Berry and Rafique-Ud-Din, 1988 ). Membrane thermostability and heat-induced increase in chlorophyll a:b ratio and decrease in chlorophyll:carotenoids ratio are directly associated with the level of thermotolerance in tomato cultivars ( Camejo et

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humid conditions ( Knoche and Measham, 2016 ). A commonly cited model of rain cracking of soft and fleshy fruit is the critical turgor model originally proposed by Considine and Kriedemann (1972) for grape ( Vitis vinifera L.) berries. This concept

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