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Northwestern Yunnan is situated in the southern part of the Hengduan Mountains, which is a complex and varied natural environment. Consequently, this region supports a great diversity of endemic plants. Using field investigation in combination with analysis of relevant literature and available data, this paper presents a regional ethnobotanical study of this area. Results indicated that northwestern Yunnan has an abundance of wild ornamental plants: this study identified 262 endemic species (belonging to 64 genera and 28 families) with potential ornamental value. The distinguishing features of these wild plants, their characteristics and habitats are analyzed; the ornamental potential of most plants stems from their wildflowers, but some species also have ornamental fruits and foliage. Among the endemic genera, Pedicularis and Rhododendron have particularly high numbers of ornamental wild species, while Aconitum, Gentiana, Corydalis, Silene, Delphinium, Cremanthodium, and Saussurea also contain significant numbers of wild ornamental species. It is suggested that cultivation of these species may be beneficial, both commercially and to help conserve endangered endemic plant species.

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Water quality is an important issue affecting usage of irrigation water drawn from RCBs in ornamental plant nurseries, because poor plant quality can result from poor water quality. Water quality characteristics are described by the status of water

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Lesquerella (Brassicaceae) seeds contain high concentrations of hydroxyl fatty acids with long carbon chains, similar to imported castor oil. Although species within the genus are considered as an alternative oil crop, lesquerella plants have ornamental characteristics that may present a valuable landscape alternative for dry open spaces. Seeds of certain Lesquerella species are already a component of wild flower seed mixtures sold commercially. The purpose of this study was to describe ornamental aspects of selected accessions in the USDA Lesquerella germplasm collection maintained at the National Arid Land Plant Genetic Resources Unit. From 2003 to 2005, more than 140 accessions from 30 species were characterized for selected plant characteristics. The majority of lesquerella flowers were yellow, but some species, such as L. mcvaughiana, L. mexicana, L. ovalifolia, L. pallida, L. perforata, and L. stoniensis, had white flowers. Petal length ranged from 4 to 11 mm, and the number of flowers per an unbranched stem was from two to seven. While the duration of full bloom of many lesquerella plants was between 15 to 40 days, the full bloom of plants of 10 accessions lasted from 50 (PARL 166, L. argyrea; W6 20836, L. grandiflora; W6 20841, L. lasiocarpa) to 72 days (PI 596362, L. fendleri). Those traits make the plants suitable for planting in landscape borders, low hedges, or color patches. The main use of the USDA, NPGS Lesquerella germplasm collection (201 accessions) is in cultivar development of a new oil crop. However when considering the duration of bloom and the abundance of flowers, several accessions may be used as ornamental crops, especially in semi-arid and arid landscapes where water supply is limited.

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transpiration) to integrated (biomass produced: total transpiration), all of which provide useful information regarding plant-water interactions ( Bacon, 2004 ). However, these measures may not be as important for ornamental growers, as growth alone may not be

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Ethylene concentration greater than 1 ppm added to ornamental lime plants (Citrus latifolia Tan. cv. Persian), held in air-tight containers caused serious defoliation of intact plants. No C2H4 was detectable in cartons of lime plants shipped from Florida to Ohio although defoliation occurred.

Open Access

We have introduced and cultured for Pavidia Involucvata Baill in the arboretum of Forest Research Institute of Guizhou province. The both of the bionomics and ecological characters for this species also have observed detailed. The results shown that the conditions of areas of Guiyang is suitable for normal growth for this species. On the average, the height is 18m height and diameter breast high is 25 cm when 18 years old. At present this species has become one of the important ornamental plants in Guiyang areas, which has beautiful flowers and tree forms.

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Twenty-three students of HORT 2212: Herbaceous Ornamental Plants divided into five teams, each selecting one of the ground beds at the television studio gardens of Oklahoma Gardening to design with the aid of MacDraw II and Macintosh computers. The team approach promoted cooperative learning, where those who were skilled in design worked cooperatively with those individuals more skilled at developing the theme gardens' cultural pamphlets. This project encouraged individual students to develop various communication skills to support their team's thematic garden-visual, in the form of a CAD plot of the garden design; written, in the form of a garden pamphlet; and telecommunication, in the form of Oklahoma Gardening television segments.

The students and OBGA Ambassadors started the seeds and, then, planted the gardens, resulting in a very practical experience. This design and installation project not only prepared students for the cooperative efforts that they are likely to encounter in the ornamental horticulture and landscape design and maintenance industries, but also imparted pride in their work, which was viewed by over 150,000 television viewers and visitors weekly.

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objectives of our experiments were to: 1) compare the irrigation capturing ability of some commonly grown ornamental plant species exhibiting a range of growth habits; 2) evaluate the effect that plant size, container diameter, and container spacing have on

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Authors: and

Three-river Plain, the key agriculture and animal husbandry developing region of China is located in the northeast part of Heilongjiang province. There were rich resources of wild ornamental plants in Three-river Plain. 134 species of those were investigated belonging to 54 families. 35 were woody plants and 99 herbaceous. The domestication and cultivation of several plants with high decorative value were studied and briefed as follows: (1) Vibrunnum sargenti Koehne propagates by seeds beginning to blossom in 3 years and by rhizome. The plants grown in the plain are subject to insect pests: (2) Sambucus buergeriana Blume propagates by seeds after sand cultivation for 4-6 months and begins to blossom in the next year; (3) Acanthopanax Senticocus (tupr. et (maxim) harmes propagates by seeds, shoot layering and root cutting. The germination of seeds is lower and the shoot layering is best. It grows slowly in the white clay soil, (4) Hemerocallis midendorffii Tranty. et Mey, propagates by seeds and suckers and blossoms in the next year, growing well in the plain; (5) Ostrich fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris (L.) Todaro) propagates by spore. The spore grows to sporophyte in 70-90 days after sowing and the sporophyte grows to sporophyll in 4 years.

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Quality, the degree of excellence which a thing possesses, varies with the evaluator for excellence to one may be mediocrity to another. After considerable thought and examination of the literature, I have concluded that the quality attributes of woody ornamental plants as affected by mineral nutrition practices are not well defined. First, how exactly does one proceed to evaluate quality in a woody ornamental plant? The effects of mineral nutrition on the quality of vegetables and fruits would appear to be more obvious. Yield, color, firmness, taste, keeping quality, and chemical components may be useful traits for evaluating quality under a given set of nutritional, cultural, and environmental conditions In general quality on woody ornamentals appears to be related to visually pleasing, salable plants. There are various reports of fertilizer sources and rates on growth or appearance. I will review a limited number of these and then discuss the results of a questionnaire which was sent to nurserymen around the country concerning fertilization and woody ornamental plant production.

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