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, the large number of species, and a historical emphasis on characters related to floral morphology. Circumscription of genera, subtribes, tribes, and subfamilies and the relationships among them were unclear because of homoplasy in morphological and

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existing efforts, research and marketing standards related to hemp production have yet to be clearly identified and widely adopted. The ASHS Hemp hosted a workshop in August 2022 to discuss and propose minimum standards for plant morphology, physiology

Open Access

genetic variability for morphological traits is the key component of breeding programs for broadening the gene pool ( Chtourou-Ghorbel et al., 2011 ). Variety fescue is the cosmopolitan and ubiquitous taxon, and provides the most important and diverse

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The genus Astilbe (Saxifragaceae) is comprised of approximately 20 species and is ranked consistently among the top ten landscape perennials. Through extensive hybridization, selection, and marketing, the lineage of many Astilbe has been lost. Subdioecious Astilbe biternata is the only species in the genus native to North America, while other members of the genus are endemic to Asia and monoecious. Due to the unusual geographic distribution of the species and the variation in floral development among them, investigation of morphological characters may help establish lineage within the genus. Herbarium material representing described species and varieties of Astilbe was acquired from several herbaria nationwide. Twenty-seven character states were selected to help distinguish members among the genus. Morphological character states chosen for inferring differences among species in Astilbe varied from degree of pubescence to leaf branching with an emphasis on floral characteristics such as sepal and petal variation. Character state matrix was assimilated for 20 taxa of Astilbe and analyzed using maximum parsimony. The monotypic genus Saxifragopsis was utilized as the outgroup taxa. Resulting phylogenetic trees show Astilbe simplicifolia as the species from which all members of the genus were derived. The American species, Astilbe biternata, separated away from other members within the genus. There is evidence from the phylogeny based on the morphological character states that some described species may actually represent variation within populations of species. Combination of this morphological data with molecular sequence information may be informative for further description of the Astilbe genus.

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, Heidi, Osteen, Langra Benersi, Maya, Nam Doc Mai, Hindi Mloki, Fajri Kalan, Sidik, Joa, Sensation, Tommy Atkins, Kent, Haden, Naomi, Palmer, and Lilly cultivars. Morphological characterizations. Eight horticultural characters, were measured in 10

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Canopy morphology of 83 pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch] cultivars differed in structural, size, and form characteristics. Cluster analysis identified two to five distinct classes for canopy height and diameter and their ratio, inclination angles for both major limbs and young shoots with lower-order structures, branch types, and canopy form and volume. Cultivar-related variability in these traits may have the potential for the improvement of pecan cultivars for factors such as light interception, cooling, air movement, and fruiting; thus, there is potential for identifying the development of canopy characteristics adapted to specific site conditions or cultural/management strategies.

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characterize recently developed Kentucky bluegrass cultivars that are or will become commercially available. Morphological and agronomic characteristics are used by breeders in the development of improved cultivars and by managers for specific cultivar

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primarily obtained through intraspecific hybridization or bud spontaneous mutation. However, continual variety improvement has gradually reduced the morphological differences between cultivars. To create novel cultivars or improve resistance against pests

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the known trailing lantana introductions in the United States, none have been reported from planned breeding programs for plant morphology, female sterility, pollen stainability, and/or ploidy level, such as with Lantana camara ( Czarnecki et al

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., 2013 ). Although they are affected by environmental conditions, morphology and agronomic characteristics are helpful tools for the survival of plant species diversity. A wide range of molecular markers are used to estimate genetic polymorphism, and

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