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carbon from the atmosphere to drive photosynthetic carbohydrate production, which supports virtually all aspects of plant growth while a large portion of the fixed carbon is respired from aboveground and belowground components ( Taiz and Zeiger, 2010

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different cool-season species (from 0.6 to 1.0 mg·cm −2 ·d −1 ) during spring in an open-field trial in Alabama. Furthermore, our findings on the clipping yield and VGR of annual ryegrass confirmed that this species has accelerated growth characteristics

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photosynthetic photon flux ( PPF ) with the same photoperiod, or by extending the photoperiod at the same PPF , promoted growth and flowering of cyclamen. Subsequently, we found in preliminary research that flowering of cyclamen was accelerated by an increase in

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inadequate kill ( Bottenberg et al., 1997 ). A decomposing cover crop can lead to immobilization of nutrients by soil microbes ( Hoyt, 1999 ). In addition, allelopathic chemicals, from rye ( Secale cereale L.) in particular, may interfere with the growth and

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., 2012 ; Shock, 2005 ; Westerveld et al., 2003 ). In conclusion, slower growth in early spring and low NO 3 -N release in organic soils would be the main problems decreasing yield in organic onions as compared with conventional onions. To accelerate an

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that low temperature is crucial for the apical growth of cauliflower when transitioning from the vegetative to reproductive stage. In addition, curd initiation and growth are related to effective temperature ( Pearson et al., 1994 ). Therefore

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stress severely constrains crop productivity, necessitating substantial imports of produce. The impetus for food security research in the region stems from the increasing demand caused by population growth ( van Dijk et al. 2021 ) and, in some instances

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bedding plant growth and flowering HortScience 41 114 119 Graper, D.F. Healy, W. 1991 High pressure sodium irradiation and infrared radiation accelerate Petunia seedling growth J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 116

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CO 2 enrichment by accelerating the growth rate, producing more biomass, and decreasing the time to flowering when the CO 2 concentration was increased from 400 to 1200 μmol·mol −1 CO 2 . The response of these Scutellaria species is consistent

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reach 111.9 ( Jia et al., 2020 ). After the production of bulblets, successful sprouting and growth becomes the key issue for further bulb production. The developmental state of the bulblet, bulblet size, and degree of dormancy were considered three

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