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In general, pesticides are applied to ornamental plants to protect against crop damage by insects, diseases, and additional plant pests, but it is equally important that pesticide applications themselves do not adversely affect commercialization

Open Access

Non-native species are thought to comprise as much as 80% of the plant inventory held by nurseries in the United States ( Hulme et al. 2018 ). Although most introduced ornamental plants do not escape cultivation, some plants spread into natural

Open Access

currently naturalized in ≈30 states across the eastern and central United States ( Silander and Klepeis, 1999 ). Many cultivars of B. thunbergii have been developed for use as ornamental plants and currently there are over 60 cultivars in the market and

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Weed interference can hinder growth and development significantly of container-grown ornamental plants ( Berchielli-Robertson et al. 1990 ; Fretz 1972 ). Creeping woodsorrel ( Oxalis corniculata ), hairy bittercress ( Cardamine hirsuta ), eclipta

Open Access

Peppers ( Capsicum sp.) are well recognized as vegetable, spice, and ornamental crops ( Rubatzky and Yamaguchi, 1997 ). Pepper plants bearing small, brightly colored fruit with dense foliage can make decorative displays indoors and outdoors

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( Huang et al., 2017 ; Liu and Wang, 2009 ; Zhao et al., 2017 ). There are some cultivars well known for their ornamental properties, such as unique fruit shape, fruit color change, or tree shape ( Liu and Wang, 2009 ), that are also suitable as edible

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Poster Session 7—Ornamental Plant Breeding 18 July 2005, 1:15–2:00 p.m. Poster Hall–Ballroom E/F

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As horticulturists and landscape professionals, we need to examine the traditional idea of “ornamental horticulture” in the context of environmental constraints, resource conservation, and social accountability in our highly urban society. The current over-emphasis on the ornamental use of plants in our landscapes reflects human tendencies toward conformity, eclecticism, and decorativeness in landscape design. An analysis of these tendencies along with the changing needs of our society suggests the new, broader term “appropriate horticulture,” emphasizing self-sufficiency in food and fuel production, urban needs, and an ecological orientation. This holistic concept of horticulture will allow horticulturists to become a more powerful force in our society.

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