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  • visual inspection x
  • HortScience x
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, SD = 40.9), which indicated that an average cyme was larger with 20% SMC than with 40% SMC, improving the visual quality of 20% SMC plants. Heliotrope GI was not different between SMC treatments at the end of greenhouse production (39.3 cm, SD = 1

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restricted. For instance, only 11 B. thunbergii cultivars classified as highly resistant to BSR are allowed entry into Canada ( CFIA, 2012 ). Identification and verification of approved cultivars is mainly by visual inspection of their morphological

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experienced judges similar to the ones involved in the previous work ( Khanizadeh et al., 2000 ) and ‘Diva’ ranked higher than ‘Macspur McIntosh’ for all attributes, visual, olfactory, and taste ( Table 4 ). ‘Macspur McIntosh’ was used in this study for

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in Table 1) . The DAS-ELISA positive plants were symptomless at the time of assay making visual inspection of plants with virus infection impossible. Infected plants were symptomless probably as a result of the high temperatures in the incubation

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thermocouples (which relies on the detection of the heat of fusion as water changes from a liquid to a solid) or simple visual inspection. Methods to determine the activity and abundance of heterogeneous nucleators have relied on the use of small portions of

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investigated: 40 °C, 3100 psi; 50 °C, 4000 psi; and 60 °C, 4800 psi. Visual inspection of the remaining residue indicated that maximal extraction of the pigments occurred at 60 °C, 4800 psi. TLC analysis of the pigments extracted by the SFE demonstrated that

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( Wang, 2012 ). This work highlights the advantages of self-incompatibility and cross-fertility with regard to crop improvement through plant breeding, but also reveals potential issues for variety purity and field inspection when different genotypes are

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135 ± 30.6 μg·kg −1 and 65.2 ± 25.9 μg·kg −1 of plant tissue beet for cultivars Chioggia and Detroit Dark Red, respectively. A limitation of this study was the lack of a microbial assay beyond visual inspection to confirm sterility of the beet

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assigned a value of one and branching shoots a value of two. This was achieved through visual inspection of randomly selected aboveground shoots. Subsequent measurements were performed on the same shoot. Leaf orientation was measured as the angle from the

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among strains in that “one point of time.” The commercial maturity date was determined by a field visual inspection of the fruit peel and flesh color, taste, and sweetness. For fruit quality assessment at harvest, peel color was visually rated on a scale

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