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  • variance decomposition x
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matter to the soil ( Gugino et al., 2009 ). Both management practices can affect soil microbial activity ( Beare et al., 1997 ; Frey et al., 1999 ; Lupwayi et al., 1998 ; Tu et al., 2006 ). Reduced tillage can slow decomposition of soil organic matter

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substrate surface with 10 seeds of the designated weed species, initiating the second evaluation period. This process was repeated once more to initiate the third and final evaluation period. An analysis of variance was performed on all responses using the

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subjected to analysis of variance using PROC GLM where appropriate (SAS version 9.1; SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Data were transformed according to Gomez and Gomez (1984) and means were separated by Fisher's protected least significance difference ( lsd ) at

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, and weeds ( López-Aranda et al., 2004 ; Norton, 2004 ). After soil application, it is microbially decomposed and transformed to propylene glycol, a food additive ( Warren, 2004 ). In tomato, sting nematode populations rapidly decreased at 570 L·ha −1

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and statistical analysis. This experiment was arranged at each location in a completely randomized design with eight replications (one plant/container) in each treatment (container type). Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) using SAS

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before planting but can be placed in a compost pile to decompose in a relatively short time ( Mooney, 2009 ). There are many types of plantable biocontainers. Composted dairy manure containers are made of compressed composted cow manure held together with

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Resins, Atlanta) releases nitrogen by microbial decomposition (not coated). It is completely water soluble and can be blended with other liquid fertilizers and then used in drip irrigation. The manufacturer claims the urea polymers convert to plant

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. Watermelons were harvested throughout September, although yield data were not collected for this trial. Weed biomass data were analyzed using analysis of variance (PROC GLM) and mean separation using Duncan’s multiple range test ( P < 0.05) with SAS (version

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through container walls, or the biocontainers do not degrade quickly enough to allow plant roots to grow through the container walls. As such, these containers must be removed before planting. If placed in a compost pile, they will decompose in a

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and chinese hibiscus plants were planted in July 2006 for Expt. 1 and Jan. 2007 for Expt. 2, with both experiments ending 2 years after planting (1 inch = 2.54 cm). Data were analyzed by analysis of variance, with mean separation by the Waller–Duncan k

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