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  • subterminal cutting x
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by a water-powered, non-electric chemical injector (Dosatron; Dosatron International, Clearwater, FL). The stock plants were 5 months old when cuttings were collected at the end of Feb. 2021. A mixture of terminal and subterminal cuttings was

Open Access

, Zhuzhou, Hunan. The subterminal cuttings, 7–10 cm long with two to four nodes, were collected from one to two nodes basipetal from the meristems. All cuttings were stripped off the bottom leaves leaving only two top leaves. The bottom of the cuttings was

Open Access

fruits are produced on the plant in Tifton, GA. Holotype: field grown plant, Ornamental Horticulture Research Area, The University of Georgia, Tifton, GA, Ruter (VSC). Cultural Notes Two to three node subterminal semihardwood cuttings can be rooted

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-powered, nonelectric chemical injector (Dosatron International, Clearwater, FL, USA). For the in vivo portion of the experiment, a mixture of tip, subterminal, and basal cuttings were collected at ∼1400 HR from stock plants 2 months after potting. All cuttings were

Open Access

. 31°47′60″N, long. −83°52′03″W), University of Georgia Tifton Campus. A voucher specimen has been deposited at the Valdosta State University Herbarium, Ruter (VSC). Cultural Notes Terminal and subterminal cuttings can be rooted throughout the year as

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). Rooting Two node terminal and subterminal stem cuttings of three plant species [‘Nanho Blue’ butterfly bush ( Buddleja davidii ), ‘Catawba’ crape myrtle ( Lagerstroemia indica ), and ‘Phantom’ hydrangea ( Hydrangea paniculata )] were collected 19 May

Open Access

objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of two common plant growth retardants, paclobutrazol and flurprimidol, applied as substrate drenches on the growth and flowering of swamp sunflower. Materials and methods Expt. 1. Subterminal cuttings of

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variegated flowers are found in some ornamental selections, which are not grown for fruit. Pomegranate can be self-pollinated or cross-pollinated by insects ( Morton, 1987 ). Flowers are primarily borne subterminally, primarily on short lateral branches older

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( Winder, 1980 ). The plant is commonly cultivated in containers, hanging baskets, and landscapes ( Schoellhorn, 2004 ). Lantana is easy to propagate through stem cuttings and has a short production cycle, attributing to its popularity. A survey conducted

Open Access

). Vegetative measurements. Baseline measurements: shoot length measured from the point of inception on the bearer (cm), shoot diameter (mm) measured directly above the intercalation between the terminal (uppermost mature flush) and subterminal flush, when the

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