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  • phytotoxicity x
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Service (USDA-ARS)] for managing heat treatments. Amelia Murray (USDA-ARS) for evaluating phytotoxicity. and Mike Diaz (USDA-ARS) for evaluating insect mortalities. The cost of publishing this paper was defrayed in pan by the payment of page charges. Under

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nematicide, it was also important to determine whether it was harmful to seedlings of vegetable crops. Clove oil, and its primary constituent eugenol, have been reported to have phytotoxic effects ( Bainard et al., 2006 ; Boyd and Brennan, 2006 ; Boyd et al

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that a chlorine-resistant phytopathogen, Rhizoctonia solani ( Cayanan et al. 2009 ), could be completely inactivated using an EFC with DSAs. This inactivation was achieved by regeneratively releasing concentrations of FC below a reported phytotoxic

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of insecticides in retention ponds has the potential to induce phytotoxicity. Fungicides . Nursery managers often apply various fungicides to protect crops from a wide range of fungal diseases. Although fungicides may be effective at controlling

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Home remedies for pest and disease problems experienced by plant consumers abound on blogs, forums, and social media groups. However, neither the threshold for phytotoxicity nor efficacy of most of these treatments has been subjected to evaluation

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phytotoxicity concerns associated with many postemergence herbicides make preemergence herbicide applications even more important. Few research trials have focused on the phytotoxic effect of preemergence herbicides on evening primrose species. Richardson and

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fundamental physiological responses. Temperatures below 15 °C for the first 24 h after application prevent fruit loosening ( Yuan and Burns, 2004 ). When applied by soil drenching, CMNP can cause typical herbicide-like phytotoxic symptoms on leaves of various

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, as were their replicates. The total incubation experiment lasted for 31 d. Growth parameters measurements Percent RWC, percent phytotoxicity, SVI, and TI. For RWC analysis, plants were separated into roots and shoots. Wet plant biomass [fresh weight

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.). Soil samples collected on 5 Feb., 21 Mar., and 5 May 2016 (45, 90, and 135 d after application) were analyzed for indaziflam as well as indaziflam breakdown products. The trees were visually evaluated for phytotoxicity effects during their dormant and

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) leaves ( Copes, 2009 ). Consistent dosing of water with H 2 O 2 leads to the exposure of crops to H 2 O 2 during irrigation events and brings the potential for a phytotoxic response if excessive concentrations are circulated. Exposure of crops to H 2 O

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