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A major objective of the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) breeding program in Stanthorpe, Australia, is to develop early ripening, high-quality cultivars. The heritability and inheritance of ripening date was investigated. Regression of offspring on midparent harvest dates and estimation of best linear unbiased predictions for parents were used to demonstrate that apple harvest date is highly heritable. Predominantly, additive genetic components of variance are responsible for the variation. Despite the existence of some specific combining ability variance and some non-normal family distributions, the best strategy for a breeder to predict the harvest date of progeny is to calculate the mean harvest date of parents.

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Authors: and

Abbreviation: h 2 , heritability. 1 Research Geneticist. 2 Assistant Professor.

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its first flush and growth phase during the spring and early-summer months, but also during the second growth phase in mid- to late-summer and fall months. The broad-sense heritability of rose architectural traits has been estimated using a set of

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increased iron and zinc content as ascertained by broad-sense heritability estimates using a novel technique. Materials and Methods Plant material and experimental design. Field research was done at the Sweetpotato Research Center at Chase, LA

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, 1988 ). Several methods of estimating heritability and predicting selection response are available. Primarily, these methods partition the total variance into genetic and environmental variances, and the genetic variance into additive and dominance

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crosses with the ultimate goal of introgressing FRR into productive backgrounds. The objectives of this study were to: 1) determine heritability of field FRR from an array of crosses using midparent–offspring regression; 2) further genetically define the

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characteristics with high heritabilities, indicating low environmental effects. Heritability estimates of the traits associated with rubber concentration and rubber yield have been variable. In a study by Dierig et al. (2001) , variance from measured traits of

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of both parents. A colorimeter may enable faster and more accurate selection of desirable individuals at various stages in a breeding program for flesh color. In addition, knowledge of the heritability of flesh color genes would give the plant

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or traffic tolerance in any turfgrass species. Understanding the genetic and environmental effects on the phenotypic expression of a trait is useful to develop a breeding strategy to improve the trait. Heritability determines the amount of variability

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detailed investigation on the molecular mechanism of heat tolerance in tomato. Heritability analysis is important to determine the appropriate method of genetic improvement. Heat stress tolerance was found to have low heritability ( Hanson et al., 2002

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