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  • Master Gardener program x
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and Motsenbocker (2005) found integrating the Junior Master Gardener Program into a fifth grade traditional science classroom increased student science knowledge. Klemmer et al. (2005a) demonstrated that additional science instruction provided to

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questions about demographics, including participation in local Master Gardener Volunteer (MGV) programs. The rest of the survey focused on evaluating participants’ experiences with the experiment. Throughout the project, participants were asked to collect

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Ray Series that is a “stand-alone unit of study of the Junior Master Gardener sm (JMG sm ) Level One curricula” ( JMGkids, 2008 ). The JMG sm program is a youth gardening program of the Texas Cooperative Extension and Texas A&M University. JMG sm

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were found in quality-of-life categories, including perceptions of physical and social activity, self-esteem, and nutrition of those who were actively involved in a Master Gardener program. Blair et al. (1991) also reported that gardeners responded

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between 0.25 to 1 mg would provide growers options for controlling plant growth by 26% to 44%. Master Gardeners Evaluate Do-It-Yourself Living Structures Kits Pagliughi et al. (p. 446) conducted an online survey to investigate Master Gardener perceptions

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all ages, education levels, income levels, marital statuses, household sizes, genders, and regional locations. Consumer horticulture stakeholders also include Extension Master Gardener (EMG) volunteers. There were ≈95,000 active volunteers in the

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participation throughout the study period ( Table 1 ) ( Reynolds et al. 2020 ). For programs implemented via extension, this ongoing engagement could be supported by master gardener volunteers. Although it was communicated that failure to bring all stages of

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the classroom and the garden plot of each participating kindergarten and day care center once per week (averaging 50 min per session) during regular class hours from May to Oct. 2011. Before commencing the horticultural activity programs in each

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Gardener program. In total, there were ≈5000 Master Gardener volunteers who were invited to participate in the survey. The independent garden center provided a $5.00 incentive to both their customers and the Master Gardeners for participating. Results

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practitioners; nursery, greenhouse, and garden center industry professionals; as well as horticultural enthusiasts such as Master Gardeners. Additionally, undergraduate and graduate horticulture courses are available in a course share across institutions, which

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