, retained, and sprout is unknown. Earlier research suggested that the return bloom in pecan is regulated by the tree’s carbohydrate pool ( Goldschmidt 2018 ; Wood et al. 2004 ). Trees will not produce sufficient flowers or crop when carbohydrate levels
communis L.; Dennis et al., 1970 ), olive ( Olea europea L.; Fernandez-Escobar et al., 1992 ), and mango ( Kachru et al., 1971 ). In highbush blueberry, Mainland and Eck (1969a) observed reduced return bloom from full-bloom applications of GA 3 to
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used in Matran formulations. One of the goals in fruit thinning is to obtain good return bloom for the next year ( Byers, 2003 ). Obtaining adequate return bloom is a concern in apple in which some cultivars are inherently biennial. In peach, return
Annual cropping of fruit trees is very important and to achieve this, flower or fruit thinning is practiced. By reducing the number of fruit on the tree, the remaining fruit will develop to the optimal size of higher quality and return bloom the
of leaves in ‘Stuart’ late in the growing season was crucial in affecting return bloom and fruit set the following year. When leaves were removed on 1 Sept., the number of pistillate flowers/shoot and the numbers of fruit set/shoot decreased, thus
return bloom, in a ‘Blanquilla’ pear orchard Scientia Hort. 113 142 148 Askew, H.O. Chittenden, E.T. Monk, R.J. Watson, J. 1960 Chemical investigations on bitter pit of apples N.Z. J. Agr. Res. 3 1 169 178 Bangerth, F. 1974 Antagonism between calcium and
thinning HortScience 30 227 230 10.21273/HORTSCI.30.2.227 Inglese, P. Chessa, I. La Mantia, T. Nieddu, G. 1998 Evolution of endogenous gibberellins at different stages of flowering in relation to return bloom of cactus pear ( Opuntia ficus-indica L. Mill
Sparks, D. Brack, C.E. 1970 Effect of removing leaves and fruit on return bloom and fruit set on the Stuart pecan Proc. Southeastern Pecan Growers Assn. 63 69 71 Sparks, D. Heath, J.L. 1972 Pistillate flower and fruit drop of pecan as a function of time
Gibberellic Acid Applications Advance Apple Harvest Maturity Apple growers struggling with alternate bearing need cost-effective options to help manage floral initiation. Gibberellins applied before heavy crop years can help diminish return bloom, but may have