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be practical for landscape applications, because ≈1000 L of ACT would be required to treat the critical rooting zone of an urban tree in a relatively small growing space of 5 × 5 m (25 m 2 ). It is important to consider the economics of a compost tea

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Many urban centers in the western United States are in ecoregions that experience generally low or markedly seasonal patterns of precipitation that create prolonged periods of soil water deficits during the year ( Omernik, 2014 ). As a result, most

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. HortScience . 44 ( 3 ): 791 – 799 . . Janke BD , Finlay JC , Hobbie SE . 2017 . Trees and streets as drivers of urban stormwater nutrient pollution . Environ Sci Technol . 51 ( 17 ): 9569 – 9579

Open Access

Municipal tap water, potable and often of the highest quality for direct human consumption and uses (cooking, bathing, etc.), has been the traditional source for urban landscape irrigation. In some regions, such as Texas, as much as one-half of the

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Root systems of most nursery-grown landscape trees extend well beyond the edge of the canopy. As a result, when large (greater than 2 m tall) field-grown trees are harvested for transplanting, only a small portion of the root system is moved and a

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Florida citrus producers are attempting to maintain economical production and protect the surrounding environment from excessive nutrients in the face of increasing fertilizer costs, new disease outbreaks, and conversion of grove land to urban uses

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, leaf size, and branching. In order to maximize yields, producers should select the highest-yielding basil varieties available, and produce them in systems that are the most economical and efficient. Comparing Costs of Planting Urban Trees Budgetary

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assimilation rates compared with nonfruit-bearing trees ( Palmer et al., 1991 ; Syvertsen et al., 2003 ; Urban et al., 2004 ). However, no differences in CO 2 assimilation rates were observed in cherry ( Prunus avium ) and sweet orange ( Citrus sinensis

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). Apple ( Malus × domestica ) trees on dwarfing rootstocks are suitably small statured for containment within a high tunnel structure, but most cultivars may command insufficient market returns to make high tunnel production economically feasible. In

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Sustainable Landscape Interpretation Enhances Student Acceptance Sustainable landscapes are increasingly recognized for their potential to enhance ecological benefits in urban and suburban landscapes. However, adoption of sustainable landscapes

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