Little information is available on herbicide movement in soilless container media and subsequent movement in container leachate and container bed runoff. The objective of this study was to evaluate oxyfluorfen movement in irrigation water following application to container grown nursery crops in a commercial nursery. Oxyfluorfen levels in the container bed runoff were 9 to 27 times higher than those in container leachate during the 3 irrigations following herbicide application. Maximum oxyfluorfen level in the container leachate was 8.3 ppb following the first irrigation but declined to 2.0 ppb by the 12th irrigation. The oxyfluorfen level was still about 2.0 ppb following the 75th irrigation. Oxyfluorfen in the container bed runoff peaked at 99 ppb following the 3rd irrigation before declining to 67 ppb following the 6th irrigation.
‘Jersey’ blueberry plants were greenhouse-grown through 1 season with treatments consisting of a factorial combination of 4 soil factors: inoculation with a mycorrhiza-forming fungus; high or low nutrient regime; with or without leachate from a native blueberry soil; and soil porosities corresponding to a clayey, silty, or sandy, and a native blueberry soil, Berryland, as a standard comparison. Although very low in nutrient elements, Berryland soil or its leachate significantly increased plant growth. There was no significant effect on growth from mycorrhizal inoculation at either high or low nutrient levels and only a slight effect from varying the soil free-pore space.
Container plant runoff NO3-N levels varied with sampling time and were periodically higher than the 10-ppm federal drinking water standard during 4.5 months following fertilizer application, even though controlled-release fertilizers Nutricote 18N-2.6P-6.6K Osmocote 18N-2.6P-10K, Prokote 20N-1.3P-8.3K, and Woodace 19N-2.6P-10K were used. Leachate collected from containers had a higher NO3-N level than runoff regardless of sampling time. Leachate NO3-N ranged from 278 ppm for Nutricote 3.5 months after application to 6 ppm for Prokote 1 week after application.
Columns (4 × 15 cm) of a pine bark medium amended with the equivalent of 4.2 kg per cubic meter of dolomitic limestone and either 0, 2.4, 4.7, 7.1 or 9.5 mg of urea-formaldehyde (38% N) per cubic centimeter of medium were leached daily with 16 ml of deionized water (pH 5.5). Leachate total N, NO3 --N and NH4 +-N concentrations were determined on day 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 28, 49, 91, 133, 203, 273 and 343. Leachate total N ranged from 600 ppm on day 1 for the 9.5 mg treatment to 4 ppm on day 273 for the 2.4 mg treatment. Leachate NH4 +-N concentrations ranged from 38 ppm c4 day 3 for the 9.5 mg treatment to less than 1 ppm on day 7 for the 2.4 mg treatment and were less than total N concentrations at each sampling time. Leachate NO3 --N was not detectable during the experimental period. Eleven, 16, 20 and 25% of the applied N leached from the columns amended with 2.4, 4.7, 7.1 or 9.5 mg of urea-formaldehyde per cubic centimeter of pine bark, respectively, during the 371 day experiment.
`Formosa' azalea (Rhododendron indicum) was grown for 4 months in 7.6-L (2 gal) containers in four substrate blends: 100% pine bark (PB) (by volume), 1 PB: 1 cotton gin compost (CGC), 3 PB: 1 CGC, and 3 PB: 1 peat (PT) at three irrigation levels [600, 1200, and 1800 mL·d-1 (20.3, 40.6, and 60.9 floz/d)] in a polyethylene-covered greenhouse. Plants were evaluated for growth on a biweekly basis using a growth index. Roots were evaluated visually at the end of the study using a 0 (no root growth) to 5 (root bound) scale. Initial physical properties were determined and leachates were collected every 30 days. There was no difference in percent increase in growth across irrigation and substrate treatments. Visual root rating was greatest (4.5) for azaleas grown in 3 PB: 1 PT and least (3.5) in 1 PB: 1 CGC. The two PB/CGC blends improved water-holding capacity (WHC) in comparison to 100% PB, with 1 PB: 1 CGC exhibiting the greatest WHC among all four substrates. Bulk density was greatest with the CGC-amended substrates. Leachate pH tended to increase and electrical conductivity (EC) tended to decrease with increasing irrigation volume. Leachates from the CGC-amended substrates were less acidic and EC tended to be similar or greater than leachates from the 100% PB and 3 PB: 1 PT substrates.
Interconversion and transport of seed storage reserves during imbibition may influence subsequent germination. Sweet corn (Zea mays L. cv. Florida Staysweet) seeds were imbibed in aerated distilled water for either 0, 3, 6,9,12, or 24 h intervals. Seed leachate electrical conductivity, leachate soluble carbohydrate concentrations, and seed moisture were quantified at each interval. Lipid, non-structural carbohydrate, and protein concentrations of embryo and endosperm tissue were quantified for each imbibition interval. After imbibition treatments, seed germination performance was evaluated at 10 and 25C. Leachate conductivity and seed moisture increased with duration of imbibition. Glucose and fructose were the major soluble carbohydrates found in the seed leachate. Embryo lipid and sucrose concentrations significantly increased within 6 h of imbibition, while endosperm lipid decreased. Endosperm sucrose concentration remained constant throughout the duration of imbibition. Germination percentage was not significantly improved at 10 or 25C during the course of imbibition. Conversely, time to germination decreased significantly at 10C within 3 h. Storage reserve mobilization during imbibition may be responsible for the decreased time to germination observed at 10C.
Codiaeum variegatum (L.) Blume `Petra' liners were transplanted into 15-cm pots and fertilized using 24N-3.4P-14.2K at a total of either 7.2 or 14.4 g N/pot over a 26-week growing period. Eight fertilizer treatments followed four application schedules at a low and high (double the low) rate. Schedules attempted to maximize fertilizer utilization with applications based on projected plant growth patterns. Irrigation was on an as-needed basis, and all leachate was collected from each pot. Weekly leachate per pot was analyzed for pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and NH4-N and NOx-N content. Plant and color grades, and height change were recorded and elemental tissue analyses done for each plant at experiment termination. Fertilizer rate and schedule affected height change, and pH and EC, as expected. Total mg NH4-N and NOx-N in the leachate increased with increased fertilizer rate. Fertilizer application schedule affected NH4-N content at the high fertilizer rate and NOx-N in the leachate at both fertilizer rates with the optimizing curve treatments leaching the least NOx-N for their respective fertilizer rates. Total mg N/pot (mg NH4-N + mg NOx-N) was significant for both fertilizer rate and schedule.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency limits the amount of nitrate and phosphate, yet these nutrients are applied in relatively large amounts during crop production. The objective of greenhouse studies conducted in 2002–05 was to determine the effects of calcined, attapulgite-type clays used as substrate amendments during production of containerized poinsettias, chrysanthemums, and ornamental grasses. Crops were grown with recommended rates of controlled-release fertilizers and irrigation volumes set to achieve a leaching fraction around 0.2. Results with poinsettias grown in substrates amended with clays were as follows: EC of leachate from poinsettia was reduced by up to 39% in the first few weeks after potting; orthophosphate concentration in leachate was reduced by up to 74% in peat-based substrate; cumulative irrigation volume required to produce plants in 16.5-cm containers was reduced by 11%. With two chrysanthemum cultivars, clays reduced EC of leachate and increased plant growth. A non-calcined clay reduced growth of poinsettia and `Oborozuki' Japanese sweetflag grass, but not `Karl Foerster' feather reed grass. Results from these studies suggest that, with controlled irrigation volumes, calcined clays added to a peat-based substrate can reduce leachate nutrient concentrations and reduce crop water requirements without negatively affecting crop growth or quality.
Bifenthrin and fipronil are important pesticides used in the nursery industry for the control of imported fire ants. Our research measured the influence of irrigation frequency and time on the degradation of bifenthrin and fipronil in pine bark nursery medium. Pine bark media leachates were collected over a 180-d period. Levels of bifenthrin, fipronil, and metabolites of fipronil (MB 46513, MB 45950, MB 46136) were measured using gas chromatography and mass spectrophotometery. Bifenthrin leachate concentrations decreased from 60 ppb on day 1 to ≈1 ppb after 120 d. Fipronil leachate concentrations decreased from 40 ppb on day one to a low of 15 ppb after 120 d. In contrast, metabolites MB 45950 and MB 46136 gradually increased over the 180-d period. Metabolite MB 46513 was not detected during the experiment. Pine bark medium leachate concentrations of bifenthrin and fipronil were greater than previously reported levels in pure water. We theorize that organic compounds present in pine bark may have increased the solubility of these chemicals.
Improved water use efficiency exists for plants grown in modified containers to minimize leaching and reduce irrigation frequency which subsequently reduces NO3-N leachate. Salvia splendens `Bonfire' and Impatiens wallerana `Pink' (super elfin hybrid) were potted in ProMix BX medium (Premier Brands, Inc., Stamford, CT) into nine container styles with modified drainage holes to determine leachate volume and quantify NO3-N leached. Three styles had four drainage holes on the container side with hole diameters of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.9 cm, respectively; three styles had four drainage holes on the container side and one drainage hole in the bottom center with hole diameters of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.9 cm, respectively; and three styles had one drainage hole in the bottom center with hole diameters of 0.5, 1.6, and 1.9 cm, respectively. Plants were hand watered when an individual container's medium reached 80% of container capacity. Leachate volume, irrigation frequency, and leachate NO3-N was reduced as drainage size hole decreased in size and number. Plant quality was similar among container modifications.