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Binomial probability distributions were used to determine the effects of percent seed germination and number of seeds sown per cell on expected numbers of seedlings in plug trays. Expected numbers of empty cells in five types of plug trays (128, 273, 338, 406, and 512 cells/tray) were calculated for cases where one to seven seeds were sown per cell and seed germination ranged from 50% to 95%. Generally, one additional seed was required per plug cell for each 10% decrease in the germination percentage in order to attain the same number of filled cells per plug tray. Expected frequencies were calculated for the number of seedlings in plug trays when one to five seeds were sown per cell and seed germination ranged from 50% to 95%. When the number of seeds sown per cell remained constant, uniformity in seedling number per cell increased as the germination percentage increased. When percent seed germination remained constant and the number of seeds sown per cell was increased, the percentage of cells with at least one seedling increased, whereas the uniformity in seedling number per cell decreased. Additional examples are presented in the article on the utility of binomial distributions in determining expected number of seedlings.

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differences. No seeds germinated in light after 12 months of storage, and no seeds germinated in darkness after 6, 9, or 12 months of storage. Cultivars: Kashgar Akeqishiliu (I), Yecheng Suanshiliu (II), Hotan CeLe1#shiliu (III), and Turpan Suanshiliu (IV

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under optimal conditions is required for embryo maturation, and even then seed germination by using conventional methods is very poor ( Hu, 1975 ; Hu et al., 1979 ; Ives, 1923 ). This fact constitutes a serious inconvenience for breeding programs

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Lupinus havardii and L. texensis are two commercially important species of lupines (bluebonnets) in Texas. There is no current information for the storage requirements of these two bluebonnet species seeds. A study was undertaken to examine the effects of relative humidity, temperature, and scarification on seed germinability. Seeds of the two bluebonnet species were stored under five relative humidity treatments (11%, 23%, 52%, 75%, and 95%) and two temperature treatments (3°C or 22°C) either scarified or nonscarified in factorial combination. Seed samples were removed monthly. Nonscarified seed were scarified and all seed were placed in a seed germination chamber and germinated in petri dishes containing moistened filter paper. All samples of seed stored under 95% relative humidity were lost to seed-borne contamination. Germinability of scarified seed of both species decreased within 5 months in the 22°C/75% RH treatment. Other treatments had no effect on germinability during 7 months of seed storage.

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.L. 1962 Revision of the genus Ptelea (Rutaceae) Brittonia 14 1 45 Czabator, F.J. 1962 Germination value: An index combining speed and completeness of pine seed germination For. Sci. 8 386 396 Dirr, M.A. 1998 Manual of woody landscape plants: Their

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Low and erratic seed germination presents a major production problem in the medicinal plants that collectively are called echinacea or purple coneflower (Echinacea angustifolia and E. pallida). In this study, nine seed lots of each E. pallida and E. angustifolia from a wide variety of commercial sources and germplasm collections were collected and treated with a solution of 1.0 mm [144.5 mg·L-1 (ppm)] ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphoric acid) to determine whether ethephon would sufficiently improve seed germination to be used by industry to improve the quality of echinacea seed. Applicationof ethephon increased seed germination in both E. pallida and E. angustifolia seed lots regardless of seed sources. The increase in germination by ethephon in eight seed lots of E. pallida and four seed lots in E. angustifolia were statistically significant compared to the nontreated control seeds. The increases in germination were also significant across seed lots for both species. Average germination increases across all seed lots were 1271 and 29% for E. pallida and E. angustifolia, respectively. Average germination of ethephon treated-untreated control seed lots was 76% to 27% and 79% to 62% for E. pallida and E. angustifolia, respectively.

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Fruit pulp extracts of Liriope muscari (Decne.) Bailey were analyzed chromatographically and spectrophotometrically to determine which compounds were responsible for their blue-black color. A trihydroxy series of mon-oglycosylated anthocyanidins (delphinidin, petunidin, malvidin) were isolated. The malvidin glycoside appeared to be involved in a co-pigment complex with at least a flavone, explaining the neutral pH-stable blue color. Previous work indicated that a water-soluble seed germination inhibitor was present in the pulp. Nine bands were collected as fractions from Sephadex column chromatography. Each fraction was monitored by paper chromatography before use in a bioassay that tested for germination inhibitors. Several fractions significantly inhibited seed germination of Cucumis sativus L. ‘Poinsett’. Four classes of phenolic compounds were identified from the chromatograms: anthocyanins, anthoxanthins, phenolic acids, and a tannin-like polyphenol. Phenolic acids and the tannin-like substance were most prevalent in the 3 most toxic fractions. A mixture of these 3 fractions caused seed germination inhibition exceeding that attained by the individual fractions. Caffeic acid was tentatively identified as one of the phenolic acids present. Results indicated that germination inhibition is due to the combined action of several phenolic compounds.

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Freshly harvested, unstratified seeds of K. latifolia and R. maximum were treated with GA3 for 36 hours at concentrations of 0, 50, 200, and 1000 ppm, sown in multicell flats containing 3 bark: 1 sand medium (v/v), grown for 21 days in a greenhouse under 10-hour and 24-hour photoperiods and irrigated by mat, intermittent mist, or hand-sprinkling. Average germination was 79.8% for K. latifolia and 79.2% for R. maximum. Seed germination of K. latifolia was 90% under intermittent mist and 24-hour photoperiods. R. maximum germination was highest under intermittent mist watering (88%) with no difference between 10-hour and 24-hour photoperiods. Gibberellic acid (GA3) treatment had no effect on germination in either species.

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Three sets of Petunia hybrida Vilm. lines were used with each set comprised of the 3 genotypes, multiflora (gg), grandiflora (GG), and heterozygote (Gg). Seed germination was consistently high for the hybrid Gg (92%), intermediate for gg (77%) and low for GG (45%). The fresh and dry wt of 28-day-old seedlings was inconsistent but the Gg hybrid was the most vigorous at 49 days followed by the gg and GG genotypes. No differences were observed in N, P, K, Na, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, or Al in vegetative leaves of the 3 genotypes. Differences in Ca, Mg, and B occurred, but they were not uniform with respect to genotype or to genotypes within a set. Calcium and Mg were generally highest in gg and lowest in GG. Boron in 1 of 2 experiments showed the same pattern. The physiological roles of the observed differences in elemental composition with respect to chlorophyll composition, sugar metabolism, and vigor as indicated by an increase in fresh and dry wt, in the 3 genotypes are discussed.

Open Access

With the increase in popularity of echinacea as a botanical supplement, organic production of this herb continues to grow. Echinacea seeds typically show a high percentage of dormancy that can be broken by ethephon or gibberellic acid, but these methods are not accepted in organic production. We examined in three experiments the effects of varying seed source and germination conditions on echinacea growth. To determine the efficacy of nonchemical treatments, we evaluated the effect of light with and without cold-moist stratification on seed germination of the three most important medicinal species of echinacea, E. angustifolia, E. purpurea, and E. pallida. We used cold-moist stratification under 24 h light, 24 h dark, and 16/8 h (light/dark) to break seed dormancy. We found that germination was enhanced in seeds from a commercial organic seed source, compared to a public germoplasm source. When seeds were not cold-moist stratified, light increased germination in E. angustifolia only, suggesting differential dormancy among the three species. We found that when seeds were cold-moist stratified under 16–24 h of light for 4 weeks, the percentage and rate of germination increased 10% over the control, suggesting this method as an alternative to chemical seed treatments.

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