not change appreciably over time as a result of their hardness and stability. However, the particle size distribution of the other substrates could change as a result of weathering. On visual inspection, most of the inorganic substrates provided a
collected each season included dates of major phenological events, yield components and fruit chemistry at harvest, and cane pruning weights. The day of year for budbreak, bloom, and veraison was determined by visual inspection for stages 4, 23, and 35 using
quality and quantity of DNA was monitored by spectrophotometry and gel inspection. A total of 16 RAPD primers (MWG Operon Technologies, Ebersberg, Germany) were used for PCR amplification ( Table 4 ). PCR reactions were carried out in a total volume of 25
total of 84% of the seeds obtained was presumed viable based on visual inspection (seeds were plump and dark brown), and their average germination rate was 36%. A total of 45 seedlings was obtained, and when they grew, based on their morphology, it
heterozygosity (H o ), and expected heterozygosity (H t ) per locus. Analysis of SSR marker data. Alleles were scored by visual inspection in comparison with molecular markers, and stutter bands were accounted for. A weight matrix was constructed using Microsoft
powerhouse of nonstructural carbohydrate resources ( Marler and Dongol, 2016a ), and a reduction of these seed resources during direct seed infestations of A. yasumatsui may occur. Visual observation of infested ovules and seeds ( Fig. 1 ) illuminates the
regression model without mixed effects as a result of the blooms occurring only during one time point in the year (July). Assumptions of homoscedasticity and normality were verified by inspection of residual plots. Square root transformations were sufficient
. AFLP fragment files were processed into binary matrices using GeneMarker Version 1.95 software (SoftGenetics, State College, PA). Peaks were first scored with a 1 for present and 0 for absent, using automatic settings followed by visual inspection and
for Year within Site. Normality and variance homogeneity of the linear mixed model were evaluated by visual inspection of plots of residuals. To estimate compositional phenotypes and rankings for individual clones, best linear unbiased predictions were
treated at 600 Gy has been observed ( Drake and Neven, 1998 ). Though the color profiles of the grapes, as measured by the colorimeter, changed during storage, visual differences were not discernible by the naked eye. Furthermore, consumer liking in regard