Ersiphales) also caused our ‘RADrazz’ knockout roses ( Rosa sp.) to be below aesthetic show standards. Both of these species had been main features of the dry garden, so we needed to use our back-up species of ‘Rober's Lemon Rose’, ‘Dean's Delight’, and
use of relative flower and/or biomass yields has been previously used to establish critical leaf tissue chloride values in greenhouse roses ( Cabrera and Perdomo, 2003 ) and salinity thresholds in garden roses and other horticultural and agronomic
’ was selected and released by the Institute of Botany, Jiangsu Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences (Nanjing Botanical Garden Mem. Sun Yat-Sen). The rose-like fragrance of its brilliant red–purple (RHS 67B) ( Royal Horticultural Society 2015
this rootstock compared with the rootstock R . rubiginosa and the scion ‘Kardinal’ when irrigated with NaCl concentrations of 10 to 30 m m . Similarly, Niu et al. (2008) reported that R . odorata was not as salt-tolerant as the garden rose
extension staff and faculty to provide research-based gardening information to the public. The EMG training program has spread to all 50 states, the District of Columbia and four Canadian provinces ( National Master Gardener Committee, 2013 ). Today, most
Hibiscus syriacus (althea or rose of sharon) is a broadly adaptable shrub (US Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 5–9) that is easy for growers to produce, is successful in most gardens, and provides a long flowering season with a wide
. Akkak, A. Botta, R. 2006 Characterization and genetic relationship of wild species and old garden roses based on microsatellite analysis J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 131 66 73 Seringe, N.C. 1818 Observations générales sur les Roses, p. 2. In: Musée
value of purple, red, pink, orange, yellow, and green, among others ( Fiala, 1994 ). Because of their rich cultural heritage and strong environmental adaptability, flowering crabapples have been widely cultivated in our landscapes and gardens. In China
visitations to the nonnative Bloomify rose lantana as compared with the native pineland lantana. Pentas are one of the three most endorsed ornamental plants for butterfly gardens in the southeastern United States ( Garber, 2020 ). An herbaceous perennial
. Cut Rose Production in Punjab, Pakistan As the economies of numerous countries develop, farmers often turn to high-value floricultural crops to replace row crops. Ahmad et al. (p. 1010) surveyed cut flower growers in Pakistan to determine the status