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Fertilizer levels of 500-220-400 and 750-330-600 mg/liter N-P-K reduced growth of Brassaia, Chamaedorea and Peperomia when compared to 250-110-200 mg/liter but had no effect on Philodendron and Maranta. As fertilization level increased, pH of the leachate decreased and soluble salts increased. As fertilizer level increased, leachate increased from pots with Brassaia and Peperomia and to a lesser extent from Maranta and leachate from Philodendron and Chamaedorea were similar. Fertilizer of 800-360-680 mg/liter N-P-K reduced fresh weight and root grade of Peperomia and Brassaia. Amount of leachate doubled as fertilizer and volume of water applied increased.

Open Access

. Trailing and semierect types are biennial fruiting, whereas the erect types can be biennial or annual fruiting ( Strik and Finn, 2012 ). Commercial caneberry growers are encouraged to develop fertilization programs based on initial nitrogen recommendations

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attributes of the finished ciders to remain competitive and continue improving the quality of ciders available in the U.S. market. Nitrogen fertilization is a little studied area of cider apple orchard management that potentially impacts productivity, fruit

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Even though herbaceous perennials have been field produced for many years, there is no general nutrient recommendation for specific fertility level as related to soil type. A survey of Vermont perennial growers indicated that a variety of fertilization methods are in use (Perry and Sanders, 1983). Commercial recommendations vary: 7.8 g N/m2 from 8N–3.5P–6.7K once annually (Sinnes, 1979); 12.2 g N/m2 from 5N–4.4P–4.2K for established plants (Sinnes, 1981; Wyman, 1977); 34.2 g N/m2 from Osmocote 14N–6.2P–11.6K for plants sensitive to fertilizer, 68.5 g N/m2 for nursery stock, and 136.8 g N/m2 for greenhouse crops (Sierra, 1980).

Open Access

et al., 2001 ). Because there could be negative consequences of both overfertilization and underfertilization with N, reliable methods of predicting the optimum fertilization levels are needed. The SPAD-502 (Konica Minolta Sensing, Sakai, Japan) is a

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CO 2 were conducted under conditions of low fertilization [0.1- to 0.3-strength Hoagland's solution ( Drennan and Nobel, 2000 )], but there have been no systematic studies of the effect of high-fertilization regimes on the response of CAM plants to

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In fall of 1992, `Allstar' strawberries were planted in a greenhouse in round pots 25 cm wide and 22 cm tall Plants were grown in Peter's Professional Potting Soil that was amended to contain 0. 34, 67, or 135 kg nitrogen/ha, and 0 or 1.7 kg boron/ha. based on the surface area of the pots at media level The strawberries remained in the greenhouse throughout the fall, and were transferred outside for overwintering under row cover. In the spring of 1993, the plants were moved to a sheltered growing area. and the row cover was removed to allow for pollination Fruit were harvested 3 times per week and weight and number of fruit were recorded After harvest was complete. the plants were removed from the media. weighed, and analyzed for nutrient content Plants receiving boron but no nitrogen fertilizer had significantly higher boron concentration than plants receiving other combinations. Magnesium concentrations were significantly less in plants receiving the highest rates of nitrogen as compared to the other nitrogen rates Plant weight was not affected by the fertilization treatments. but fruit yield was significantly increased if N was added.

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Anthuriums appear to be very salt sensitive. Small plants of Anthurium andraeunum `Marian Seefurth' were fertilized daily with 25, 50, 75, 100, and 125 ppm N of 12N-16P-30K + micros (75% nitrate-25% ammonium) liquid fertilizer corresponding to 0.50, 0.74, 0.98, 1.22, 1.45, and 1.69 mS·cm-1 of electrical conductivity (EC). After 1 year, flower production was greatest [5.2 flowers per plant (fl/pl)] at 0.50 mS·cm-1 (25 ppm N). Flower production decreased gradually with increasing EC to 3.9 fl/pl at 1.45 mS·cm-1 (125 ppm N), then dropped to 1.8 fl/pl at 1.69 mS·cm-1 (150 ppm N). Flower stem length and flower size followed the same pattern. With larger `Ellison Onizuka' plants, the number of flowers, flower stem length, and flower size all peaked at 0.74 mS·cm-1 (75 ppm N). A drop was again observed at 1.69 mS·cm-1 (125 ppm N). Other workers recommend 0.60 to 0.80 mS·c m-1 for anthurium production. Our findings are in agreement. However, for smaller plants, 0.50 mS·cm-1 would produce better growth.

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Current N fertilization practices, where high spring applications are utilized, may lead to excessive vegetative growth. However, high rates may not be required to maximize fruit yield and quality. Therefore, alternative strategies to minimize shoot growth while still providing the N needs of the tree were investigated. Mature `Comice' and `Bosc' pear trees were given one of the following treatments: a spring soil (SS) application of NH4NO3 nitrate at 112.5 kg/ha rate, a similar application in the fall after harvest (FS), a fall foliar (FF) spray of a 7.5% urea solution after harvest (FF), or no N (Control). Trees that received a FF application had the same leaf and fruit N content as control trees, but they yielded more fruit The SS application gave more vigorous trees than FF application. Yield, however, was not different.

A 15N enriched urea solution was applied at harvest as either a foliar spray, soil application, or combination of both treatments to mature `Comice' trees. Flower buds from trees that previously received a foliar treatment had 37% of their N derived from the foliar N application. No labeled N was detected in buds from the soil treatment These results indicate that vegetative and reproductive N requirements of fruit trees may be managed separately.

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The desirability of selected primary plant nutrient carriers (N-P2O5-K2O) for drip/trickle fertilizing bell peppers (Capsicum annuun L.) on a coastal plain sandy loam soil was investigated in 1990 and 1992. Soluble dry and liquid fertilizer carriers selected in both years were urea ammonium nitrate (30-0-0), ammonium sulfate (21-0-0), potassium nitrate (14-0-46), phosphoric acid (0-54-0), ammonium polyphosphate (10-34-0), and muriate of potash (0-0-62). These materials in combinations were compared to a more expensive commercially prepared dry fertilizer (20-20-20) which was formulated from urea, mono and diammonium phosphate and potassium nitrate. Although the commercial fertilizer (20-20-20) produced significantly more early and midseason yields of No. 1 plus No. 2 peppers than one-third of the less expensive formulated grades, all treatments produced the same late and total yields of pepper in 1990. In 1992, the ammonium sulfate, ammonium polyphosphate and muriate of potash treatment produced significantly more total No. 1 plus No. 2 peppers than did the phosphoric acid and muriate of potash with either urea ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulfate; however, no treatment differences were noted in total yields of quality No. 1 peppers.

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