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The peach tree [ Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] is one of the most important stone fruits in temperate zones and contributes millions to regional, state, and local economies in the southeastern United States, producing ≈30% of the fresh peaches in

Open Access

, and for in vitro conservation. Among the in vitro culture systems, organogenesis is the primary pathway for regeneration of Passiflora ( Mikovski et al., 2019 ; Otoni et al., 2013 ). For some medicinal Passiflora spp., there are reported callus

Open Access

inheritance mode is suggested in general polyploidy plants ( Comai, 2005 ). For instance, allotetraploid sour cherry ( Prunus cerasus L.) derived from hybridization between the diploid sweet cherry ( Prunus avium L.) and the tetraploid ground cherry ( Prunus

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Prunus salicina Lindl. is native to Yunan and distributed in southwestern provinces in China where it has been cultivated for many years. Gummosis is a global disease, which occurs mainly on the tree trunk, main branch, and the collateral. At the

Open Access

. Schmidt, H. Albertini, A. 1990 Cherries ( Prunus spp.), p. 110–173. In: Moore, J.N. (ed.). Genetic resources for temperate fruit and nut crops, Intl. Soc. Hort. Sci., Wageningen, The Netherlands Iezzoni, A.F. Andersen, R.L. Schmidt, H. Tao, R. Tobutt, K

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; Mesihovic et al. 2016 ; Raja et al. 2019 ). High temperatures (36 to 40 °C) have been shown to inhibit pollen function in several crops, including rice ( Oryza spp.) ( Satake and Yoshida 1978 ; Zhang et al. 2018 ), cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum ) ( Masoomi

Open Access

economic value because of their small fruit and many thorns thus preventing large-scale cultivation and market development. By contrast, cultivars belonging to spp. mongolica , which occurs naturally in Russia, Mongolia, and other countries, have large

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The pear tree ( Pyrus spp.) is a temperate-climate fruit species, and its cultivation in subtropical regions was made possible by hybrid cultivars obtained from the cross Pyrus communis × Pyrus pyrifolia ( Curi et al., 2017 ). This cross

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reported in various plant species. In Prunus spp., Quamme (1974) tested ‘Elberta’ and ‘Siberian C’ peach floral buds from November to late March and found that LTE and LT 50 temperatures were similar, with less than 2.5 °C of difference. He further

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Water lilies ( Nymphaea spp.) are important ornamental flower plants that are widely cultivated in gardens for the purpose of environment beautification as well as water purification. According to their ecological characteristics, water lilies can

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