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. Identification and pathogenicity of both fungal isolates was confirmed using three methods: visual inspection on plants for signs of the fungus (appressoria and acervuli), re-isolation of the pathogen from symptomatic plants, and use of real-time PCR, clade

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observations was made on apparent ripeness based on what was considered fully ripe color. Berry sampling was initiated when, through a visual inspection, over half of the fruit on the plant appeared to be at peak ripeness. Before initial measurements, no prior

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States if intercepted during preexport inspections. Lesser pests include the leaf-curling midge, mites, leafhoppers, mealybugs, and scale insects, which are generally managed by natural enemies ( Wearing et al., 1994 ). Centered around Hawke's Bay, on

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Chile ( Rosales et al., 1998 and in Canada ( Thompson et al., 2001 ), and in the United States in Pennsylvania ( Levy et al., 2000 ), New York ( Cornell University, 2006 ), and Michigan ( U.S. Department of Agriculture–Animal and Plant Health Inspection

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between the 2019–20 trial and 2020–21 trial. Thus, trials were analyzed separately. For each trial, ANOVA predictor variables were termination time treatment and replicate. Assumptions for the ANOVA were evaluated with visual inspections of residuals

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the production system. Producers must then submit an application and fees to a USDA-accredited certifying agent (state departments of agriculture or private organizations). After an on-site inspection and review of the application indicate the producer

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economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.” Numerous U.S. federal and state agencies, such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (2012) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (2020 ), as well as

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before field planting. Table 1. Flower morphology and seed set of different Prunella vulgaris accessions. Observations of floral morphology and in-bud pollen release. Floral morphology was evaluated through visual inspection, and flowers were digitally

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hammermilled as previously described for PWC on 10 Jan. 2012. On visual inspection, the two wood components exhibited substantially different geometries with the PWC being non-fibrous “blockular” with smooth edges and the SPW being more linear and fibrous in

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inspection and sampling at European designated points of entry where samples are to be analyzed for the presence of pesticide residues before the consignments are released into the market ( HCDA, 2011 ). This testing revealed that a majority of small

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