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  • spider flower x
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; mutations induced 2006; introd. 2019. Fruit: small; ellipsoid-conical; 85% orange-red. Tree: vigor strong; growth habit spreading; blooms late April in Beijing; flowers bright red-rose; petals single, slightly overlapping. CIVM49 (RedPop

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surface of the strawberry leaflets. C. acutatum more typically causes irregular leaf spot, the primary symptom of which is the appearance of necrotic black lesions at the tip of the leaflets. All three Colletotrichum spp. also cause flower blights and

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of plants was performed with the administration of: biostimulant (Rukam ® Mix; Mabruk AG Comercial y Tecnología, Santiago, Chile), flower fertilizer (Roots ® ; Comercial VOS S.A., Santiago, Chile), and a biostimulant supplement (Phyllum ® ; Anasac

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berry crops such as strawberry ( Fragaria × ananassa ) and raspberry ( Rubus idaeus ) ( Lamont et al., 2003 ). These crops are similar to the high-value vegetable and cut flower crops that have been successful in high tunnels ( Lamont and Orzolek, 2003

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, colorless liquid that is used by cosmetic and perfume companies as a result of its flower-like odor ( Bernier et al., 2007 ). Linalool is present naturally in plants, including lavender ( Lavandula angustifolia Mill.), marjoram ( Origanum vulgare L.), and

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; Begomovirus ) ( Blancard 2017 ). Additionally, higher temperatures and dry conditions between March and May can create favorable conditions for the growth and development of populations of arthropod pests that attack leaves, flowers, and fruit during the crop

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. Pollination is particularly challenging for growers west of the Cascade Range, where cool and rainy conditions during the bloom period are unfavorable for pollination by honeybees ( Apis mellifera ). The morphology of highbush blueberry flowers and low nectar

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weevils feed and oviposit in buds, flowers, and fruits. Larvae develop and feed inside those organs reducing crop yields ( Toapanta et al., 2005 ). Spider mites ( Tetranychus urticae Koch) are polyphages acari that feed on cells containing chloroplasts

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( Chaetosiphon fragaefolii )] were the most important insect pests, followed by lygus ( Lygus sp.), two-spotted spider mite ( Tetranychus urticae ), and western flower thrips ( Frankliniella occidentalis ). Oregon growers ranked spotted wing drosophila

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. Hochmuth et al. (2006) reported that ‘Sweet Charlie’ strawberry plug transplants began flowering at 3 weeks after transplanting, but bare-root transplants required a longer time to flower. One explanation for this difference is the quality of the root

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