percentage of viable seeds, some laboratories rely only on germination tests (R. Wynia and V. Vankus, personal communication), which can be problematic. The inherent and potentially variable dormancy of prevariety germplasm seeds coupled with the limited
engagement and training in extension is also facilitated by Instagram, furthering student awareness, critical thinking, communication skills, and research documentation. For example, students maintaining agricultural research trials can be tasked with 1
cooperation, communication, and collaboration among EMG programs nationwide ( Langellotto et al., 2015 ). Demographic similarities or differences, if any, among EMG volunteers, coordinators, and programs within extension programmatic regions are currently
previously developed for an interactive flash-based jigsaw puzzle and slot machine (UF, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Information and Communication Services, unpublished data). Existing jigsaw puzzle code was rewritten to allow the leaf terms
sociological, yet there are limited empirical reports of their impact in tree fruit. Among others, tree architecture and age, fruit load, and picker skill are important factors affecting harvest efficiency ( Ampatzidis et al., 2012a ; Strik and Buller, 2002
sciences (CALS Registrar, personal communication). Dole’s 2015 survey results indicate some programs have been able to increase their enrollments, although the reasons for these increases were not determined from the survey ( Dole, 2015 ). Bradley et al
tunnel operation, maintenance, and repairs; and lack of understanding of the optimal planting dates and varieties for production (M. Finger, personal communication; D. Hedlin and K. Ottenson, personal communication; A. Schwartz, personal communication; T
opportunities for local citizens. CROPP is a nationally recognized leader in the organic marketplace, with over 1200 farmer members and over 500 employees (E. Lange, personal communication). The Farm Links project engages multiple project partners, each of whom
solving, decision-making, communication skills, and active learning ( Monteiro, 2007 ). Comparisons are made between traditional agricultural systems and more sustainable systems. Systems analysis is used to help students evaluate different production
effectiveness of commercial communication in that market. Profitability of Mechanical Fruit Thinning in Pecan Alternate bearing is highly limiting to the profitability of growing pecans. Wells et al. (p. 518) investigated the profitability of mechanically