Search Results
`Chandler' strawberries were planted on four dates to ascertain optimum planting time under central Arkansas conditions. Greenhouse-rooted plugs were planted in four replications in a randomized complete-block design. Each replication was planted in double rows 6 m long on beds with 1.4-m centers. Plots were established on 9/28, 10/7, 10/26, and 11/5. Number of branch crowns, yield, and number of runners/plant indicated that the earliest planting date was too late, and thus, the optimum date was missed. Equivalent yields of 16,173 kg·ha–1 were obtained from the earliest date, dropping to 8539 kg·ha–1 when planted 10 days later.
Chlorsulfuron was applied alone at 0.018 kg·ha−1 and in combination with 3.4 kg·ha−1 of oryzalin at rates of 0.018, 0.035, 0.070, and 0.140 kg·ha−1 to a mature ‘Chancellor’ grape (Vitis × sp.) vineyard. Oryzalin was also applied alone at 3.4 kg·ha−1. Oryzalin plus chlorsulfuron treatments provided excellent weed control. The vegetative growth of vines was reduced in the oryzalin plus chlorsulfuron treatments at rates of 0.07 and 0.14 kg·ha−1 as compared to the control. Oryzalin used alone and oryzalin plus chlorsulfuron used at the lowest rate were the only treatments that did not adversely affect vine growth or fruit quality. Chemical names used: 2-chloro-N-[[(4-≎ methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)amino]carbonyl]benzenesulfonamide (chlor-sul-≎ furon); 4-(dipropylamino)-3,5-dinitrobenzenesulfonamide (oryzalin).
European Vitis vinifera L. (four cultivars); interspecific hybrid (seven cultivars); and American V. aestivalis Michx. (one cultivar), V. labrusca L. (three cultivars), and V. rotundifolia Michx. (two cultivars) grapevines were tested for susceptibility to septoria leaf spot disease. V. rotundifolia cultivars Cowart and Fry exhibited hypersensitive-type resistance. All other American, European, and hybrid cultivars tested were susceptible with varying levels of disease severity. Cultivars with little (e.g., interspecific hybrid) or no (e.g., European) V. labrusca L. heritage were more susceptible to septoria leaf spot than American V. labrusca cultivars.
European Vitis vinifera L. (four cultivars); interspecific hybrid (seven cultivars); and American V. aestivalis Michx. (one cultivar), V. labrusca L. (three cultivars), and V. rotundifolia Michx. (two cultivars) grapevines were tested for susceptibility to Septoria leaf spot disease. V. rotundifolia cultivars Cowart and Fry exhibited hypersensitive-type resistance. All other American, European, and hybrid cultivars tested were susceptible with varying levels of disease severity. Cultivars with little (e.g. interspecific hybrid) or no (e.g. European) V. labrusca L. heritage were more susceptible to Septoria leaf spot than American V. labrusca cultivars.
Clingstone peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch cv. Allgold] trees were fertilized once with 45 or 90 kg N/ha at budbreak or twice with 22.5 or 45 kg N/ha at budbreak and after harvest. A nonfertilized control was included. Fruits from all treatments were made into puree, and objective and subjective qualities were evaluated. Puree from the N treatments and the control did not show significant differences in Color Difference Meter (CDM) `L' and hue angle, pH, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids concentration (SSC), SSC: TA ratio, viscosity, ascorbic acid, Ca, K, phenolic and nitrates concentration. Puree from the control and 22.5 kg N/ha applied twice had significantly lower CDM `a', `b', and chroma values than from the other treatments. The split applications of N significantly reduced levels of Ca and ascorbic acid. N rate and number of applications interacted for `a' and K. When N was applied twice at 22.5 kg·ha-1, `a' and K decreased, but this response was absent when N was applied twice at 45 kg·ha-1. Puree from the nonfertilized control was rated lower by panelists for sensory quality than that from the fertilized trees. Peach puree from trees fertilized once with 45 kg N/ha at budbreak had the best overall sensory quality.