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Response of sweet corn (Zea mays L.) to tillage methods on a Tifton loamy sand was investigated during 1976 and 1977. The greatest volume of soil having a strength of less than 100 N/cm2 core index resulted from moldboard plowing to a depth of 28-30 cm. The smallest volume of low-strength soil resulted from disk harrowing to a depth of 10-13 cm. Soil strength patterns produced by these tillage methods were relatively uniform across the seedbed. A subsoil-bed system produced a channel of low-strength soil under the row to a depth of 40 cm; however, soil strengths 15 cm to the side of the row were similar to the disk harrow method. Soil strength patterns resulting from subsoil-plant systems were similar to subsoil-bed. Soil strength increased during the growing seasons with tillage differences evident near harvest. Root growth, plant growth, yield, and nutrient uptake efficiency responses of sweet corn were proportional to the volumes of low-strength soil at planting.