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In a conventional sophomore level course entitled “Organic Farming and Gardening,” 114 undergraduate students registered from years 2007 to 2009. Due to high demand and insufficient classroom space, this conventional curriculum was reformatted with identical course content into both a hybrid and a fully online version in which 361 students registered from years 2010 to 2012 and 336 students from 2013 to 2015. In comparing conventional instruction with hybrid and fully online versions over a 9-year period, few significant differences were found in final grades involving 811 students. Final class grade averages of these three learning systems ranged from 85.5% to 89.6% over their first 3-year spans. Over their 6-year span, the conventional class average of 89.6% was higher compared with 88.3% for the hybrid format and 86.8% for the online format. Student evaluation surveys assessed faculty performance with eight evaluative questions on a 1 to 5 scale from years 2012 to 2014. No significant difference existed between teaching in person vs. remotely, averaging 4.35 for the hybrid and 4.17 for the online. An additional eight questions measured educational methodology, technology, student confidence, and class satisfaction. There were no significant differences in comparing the combined averages of 4.12 for the hybrid format and 4.00 for the online version. Student responses indicated a significant preference overall for hybrid and online course formats compared with conventional methods. Registration numbers indicated an overwhelming choice for online education with an average class enrollment of 91.0 students compared with 38.0 students for conventional classes and 25.2 students for the hybrid format.

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The Master Gardener program in Monmouth County began in 1999. In order to justify the initiation of such a time and resource intensive program for Rutgers Univ., detailed records of participant activities throughout the county were compiled. The educational program consists of several components related to horticultural science. These classroom topics are basic horticulture, environmental factors for plant growth, soils and fertilizers, plant propagation, vegetable gardening, integrated pest management, turfgrass systems and practical horticultural techniques. Since 1999, 145 graduates have passed through the program and contributed a total of 35,274 volunteer hours. The key horticultural program segments that result in direct return on this substantial investment include: 1) horticultural helpline—answering home gardening questions; 2) horticultural help—promoting gardening programs in schools, parks, etc; 3) Community outreach—lectures and demonstrations, hort therapy; 4) horticultural research at university extension and education farms; and 5) laboratory assistance - plant and pest identification, test measurements. The calculated value of such volunteer help at $15.43 per hour leads to a horticultural contribution of $544,277 over 5 years. It is important to realize that many key programs would not have even been initiated without the ability to quickly assemble large numbers of skilled volunteers on a part-time basis. The training program and hands-on experience made these Master Gardeners capable of detailed data collection from ornamental and agricultural plant studies. This impact expands and synergizes the plant science programs of the professional staff on both a county and statewide basis.

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