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  • Author or Editor: Tobias Becker x
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Rain-cracking of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) fruit involves failure of the exocarp caused by excessive stress and strain. The objective of our study was to quantify exocarp strain in developing cherries. The release of linear elastic strain was followed in vivo using a gaping assay, whereas the release of biaxial elastic strain was followed in vitro after excision of small exocarp segments (ESs) that were submerged in silicone oil and strain release quantified by image analysis. When mature sweet cherry fruit were cut (by making two or more deep, longitudinal incisions parallel to the stylar/pedicel axis and on opposing sides of the fruit down to the pit), the incisions rapidly “gaped.” The gaping wounds continued to widen as they progressively released the linear elastic strain in the skin. By 24 hours the combined widths of two gapes represented 8.8% ± 0.1% of the fruit circumference. Increasing the number of cuts from two to 12 increased the cumulative gape widths to 14.9% ± 0.2%. In ES, monitoring the time course of relaxation after excision revealed a rapid release of biaxial strain, having a half-time of ≈2.7 minutes. Relaxation continued, but at a decreasing rate, for up to 48 hours. Across eight cherry cultivars, the biaxial strain in the exocarp at maturity ranged from 18.7% ± 1.9% in ‘Lapins’ to 36.0% ± 1.8% in ‘Katalin’. Elastic strain in the ES was always lower than that measured in an isolated cuticular membrane (CM). Increasing the temperature from 2 to 35 °C increased the rate of strain release and also the total percent strain released at 96 hours. In developing ‘Hedelfinger’ sweet cherry fruit, there was essentially no elastic strain in the exocarp at 45 days after full bloom (DAFB). Thereafter, significant elastic strain developed, reaching a maximum of 47.6% ± 2.5% at 87 DAFB. The effect of exocarp cell turgor on strain in the ES (evidenced by the difference in the reversible strain between ES with and without turgor) was closely and positively related to the relative area growth rate of the skin (r 2 = 0.957). Strain release peaked at ≈59 DAFB, and there was no effect of turgor on strain release in mature fruit. Our data demonstrated the following: 1) the exocarp is a viscoelastic material composite; 2) at maturity, plastic and elastic strain components make up 66% and 34% of the total percent strain, respectively; 3) elastic strain in the exocarp increases during Stage III development; and 4) the strain in the exocarp is unaffected by strain in the CM. Thus, the epidermis and hypodermis layers must represent the main, load-bearing structure in sweet cherry fruit with the cuticle making a mechanically insignificant contribution.

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