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In the past decade, FL citrus industry has been struck by Huanglongbing (HLB), a disease caused by the phloem-limited bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas). Besides tree decline, HLB causes a sharp increase in mature fruit drop before harvest, leading to a substantial reduction in citrus production. The aim of the study was to provide insights in HLB-associated mature fruit drop. For HLB-affected ‘Valencia’ and ‘Hamlin’ sweet orange (Citrus sinensis), trees exhibiting severe symptoms (“severe trees”) had a significantly higher rate of mature fruit drop compared with mildly symptomatic ones (“mild trees”). Interestingly, dropped fruit were smaller than those still attached to tree branches regardless of the symptom levels of trees; overall, fruit of severe trees were smaller than mild trees. The result suggests a negative effect of HLB on fruit growth that may lead to a high incidence to drop subsequently at maturity. This possibility is further supported by the difference in immature fruit size as early as 2 months after bloom between severe and mild trees. Although HLB-triggered phloem plugging due to callose deposition in citrus leaves, which results in disrupted carbohydrate transport, has been documented in literature, the results of the histological analysis demonstrated no consistent pattern of callose deposition in the mature fruit pedicel in relation to the drop incidence. Additionally, sugar concentration in juice was not significantly different between dropped and attached fruit, providing evidence that carbohydrate shortage is not the case for dropped fruit and thus not the predominant cause of HLB-associated mature fruit drop. Notably, the midday water potential was significantly lower for severe than mild trees during the preharvest period (2 weeks before harvest of the current crop) in late March, which was also the second week after full bloom of return flowering. This suggests that altered tree water status due to HLB might limit fruit growth during the initial stage of fruit development (immediately after flowering) and/or increase the incidence of mature fruit abscission, leading to elevated preharvest fruit drop. Together, the results suggest that in the presence of HLB, strategies to increase fruit size and minimize additional stresses (especially drought) for the trees may improve mature fruit retention.
Fruit production of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) in Florida has been declining with the presence of Huanglongbing [HLB; Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas)] disease. Through disruption of the balance of endogenous hormone levels, the disease has negative impacts on fruit development, mature fruit retention, and overall tree health. Thus, the goal of this research was to determine whether plant growth regulator gibberellic acid (GA3) can be used to improve the production issues caused by HLB. For ‘Valencia’ sweet orange, although foliar applied GA3 from September to January (33 mg·L−1 for five applications) resulted in 50% decrease in bloom the following spring (results presented in Tang et al., 2021), this treatment did not cause reduction in yield of current and subsequent crops. Moreover, a 30% average increase in yield in GA3-treated trees was observed over a period of 4 years. The size of mature fruit was also increased (by 4% to 5%) with reduced fruit drop rate near harvest in GA3-treated trees compared with nontreated control trees. Furthermore, the canopy density, an indicator of HLB severity, was maintained in trees applied with GA3 (from 90.8% light interception to 90.4%). In contrast, there was a substantial decrease in canopy density for control trees (from 91.6% to 84.0%). Gene expression analysis of abscission zone and leaves indicated that GA3-treated trees had enhanced oxidative stress mitigation mechanism and plant defense response. Given that there is no cure for HLB, these results presented a possible remedy of using GA3 in sustaining tree health for field-grown sweet orange affected by HLB.
The spread of Huanglongbing (HLB), a bacterial disease presumed to be caused by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, throughout the state of Florida has coincided with a steady decline in total citrus (Citrus sp.) production. This decline is partially attributable to the high rates of preharvest fruit drop seen in HLB-affected trees. Although mature fruit drop is a natural phenomenon, the drop rates continue to increase as HLB symptom severity worsens. Unfortunately, how HLB causes this increase in fruit drop remains unknown. The current study aimed to determine the fruit characteristics associated with mature fruit drop in sweet orange (Citrus ×sinensis) and to provide an understanding of the possible role of endogenous ethylene, carbohydrates, and water deficit in HLB-associated preharvest fruit drop. Therefore, preharvest fruit drop rates of ‘Hamlin’ and ‘Valencia’ trees exhibiting mild, moderate, or severe HLB symptoms were monitored during the preharvest period (October–December for ‘Hamlin’ and January–May for ‘Valencia’). In addition, a subset of 20 fruit was collected to measure the fruit detachment force (FDF), which is the amount of force necessary to detach the fruit from the stem. After performing FDF measurements, eight additional physical and biochemical variables of tight and loose fruit (categorized by FDF) were measured. The total fruit drop rate during the preharvest period was higher for trees with severe visual HLB symptoms than for mild trees. Similarly, this increase in drop rates was negatively correlated with the canopy density. The fruit from severe trees (with high preharvest drop) showed increases in gene activity related to ethylene and abscisic acid earlier in the preharvest drop season, but not late in the season. No consistent carbohydrate pattern in tight and loose fruit was observed. Fruit likely to drop (those with lower FDF) were also consistently smaller than the fruit likely to be maintained on the tree (those with higher FDF). Therefore, it is proposed that the suppression of fruit growth early in the developmental period (possibly caused by water deficit) determines the fate (to drop or not) of the fruit before they have reached physiological maturity. Thus, strategies to mitigate preharvest fruit drop should be applied earlier in the season, and possibly during early stages of fruit development. By the time actual fruit drop becomes evident, the fruit drop-related signals have already been triggered, and treatments may not effectively reduce drop.