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Seed of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. California Light Red Kidney was stored at 1, 12, and 24°C and 30 and 80% relative humidity for 1 year. The higher temperatures accelerated darkening of seed coat color. High relative humidity at 24° resulted in the darkest colored beans, a complete loss of germination, a 4-fold increase in fat acidity and a nearly 2-fold increase in the time required to cook until tender when compared with beans stored at 1° and 30% relative humidity. Beans stored at 1° and 30% relative humidity very nearly retained their original color, germination percentage, and fat acidity in addition to retainment of their cooking time requirements. Ultraviolet and cool-white light also darkened beans in storage, but in contrast to the darkening caused by high humidity and temperature, light promoted darkening was not associated with loss in quality factors.
Dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris cvs. Red Kidney and Great Northern) were grown in the cool season in the lowland tropics at Los Banos, Philippines. Manual removal of flowers for 11 days from first bloom resulted in increased wt of vegetative parts and no change in rate of total dry wt gain. New branches, roots, and leaves provided efficient alternate sinks for assimilates, so that leaf area was increased and maintained longer, and more branches formed. Although temporary flower removal increased pod set compared to control plants, pod and seed abortion prevented a significant yield increase. This resulted in lower ratios of seed wt to total dry wt, and decreased pod wt production per unit leaf area.
Root morphological characteristics of ‘Redkote’ and ‘Redkloud’ kidney bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were measured during 2 growth stages at 5, 10, 15, and 20 cm within-row spacings under field conditions. Significantly higher total root weight, shoot weight, basal root weight, and stem and hypocotyl diameters of individual plants occurred as within-row spacing increased. Uprooting resistance, taproot weight, and taproot diameter increased as within-row spacing increased up to 15 cm followed by a nonsignificant increase at 20 cm. No differences in adventitious root weight or shoot:root ratios occurred among within-row spacing treatments. ‘Redkote’ root parameters were significantly higher than those of‘Redkloud’, with the exception of adventitious root weight and uprooting resistance. Seed yields were highest for 15 cm spacing although not significantly more than at 5 cm spacing. All parameters with the exception of basal root number were significantly lower during anthesis when compared with full pod fill growth stage.