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Non-induced Katahdin potato plants were treated with three anti-gibberellins: CCC, BAS-106 and BAS-111. Other plants were sprayed with GA3 and placed in an inducing chamber. All treatments were repeated the following week. After final treatment, apical, sub-apical, medial and basal leaf bud-cuttings were taken from each plant and placed 1n a mist chamber. After two weeks, cuttings were examined for tuberization. BAS-111 and CCC were associated with 3.5 and 2 fold increase, respectively, in tuberization of cuttings over the non-induced control. Although induced control cuttings exhibited 100% tuberization, application of GA to plants grown under identical conditions, reduced tuberization 20 fold. In non-induced control cuttings and those treated with CCC, basal cuttings tuberized significantly better than those taken from higher on the stem. This pattern was reversed for plants treated with BAS-111. These results will be discussed in light of current understanding of the tuberization phenomenon.
‘Patriot’ a new hardy blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum L., originated in the cooperative blueberry breeding program of the Maine Life Sciences and Agriculture Experiment Station and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It has performed well at Jonesboro, Maine, Maryland, North Carolina, and Oregon. The name ‘Patriot’ was assigned in recognition of the U.S. Bicentennial.
A 2-factor split-block experiment was initiated to test the effect of terbacil and nitrogen on yield of 6 commercial lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) fields in Maine. Locations served as blocks in the design. Large differences in yield were obtained among locations. An increase in yield was obtained by increasing the rate of terbacil. No significant trends due to N or the terbacil by N interactions were detected. The split-block was highly effective for grower education concurrent to obtaining replicated inform ation for generalized state-w ide recom m endations. Chemical name used: 5-chloro-3-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-6-methyl-2,4(1H,3H)-pyrimidinedione (terbacil).