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Several lots of lettuce seed were separated into fractions varying in seed width and weight per seed. Seed vigor, as measured by the slant test, was found to vary in relation to seed weight. In field trials low vigor seeds emerged slower with less total emergence and produced smaller seedlings at thinning time than high vigor seeds. Head size at harvest and percent marketable heads were greater from high vigor seeds. It is suggested that seed vigor can be used to evaluate potential field performance of lettuce.
(2-Chloroethyl)phosphonic acid (ethephon) applied to muskmelon seedlings prior to flowering was evaluated for concn of fruit set and effects on fruit maturity under spring and summer conditions in southern California. Concn of 400-600 ppm (spring) and 150-300 ppm (summer) were effective in altering sex expression and locating female flowers on nodes along the main runners. However, increased femaleness did not provide a concn of fruit set, earlier fruit maturity, nor increases in yield. It is concluded that preflower ethephon treatments are of little value in commercial muskmelon production.
Experiments were conducted to evaluate precision planting of single uncoated and spherically (clay) coated single seeds at 2 (uncoated only), 3, 4, 6, and 12 inches in the row. Three planters were used and compared to the conventional Planet Junior at accepted seeding rates. Sprinklers were compared with furrow irrigation. Seed emergence was superior with sprinkler irrigation. Coated seed and 6-inch spacing was not satisfactory with furrow irrigation, but was considered comparable to commercial stands with the sprinkler method (87.5% stand). In planting to a stand with a single seed every 12 inches (thus eliminating the thinning requirement), 84.4% of the desired stand was obtained with uncoated seed and sprinklers. Commercial stands most often range from 80 to 90% of the theoretical 12-inch spacing. Theoretical machine thinning of 3-inch plantings resulted in 8.6 single plants/10 ft of row indicating promise for this innovation.