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- Author or Editor: Norman K. Lownds x
Resistance to the auxin-like herbicide picloram has been reported in a yellow starthistle population growing in Washington. In addition, this population is cross resistant to clopyralid, another auxin-like herbicide. To understand the mechanism of resistance to clopyralid, studies were was conducted to determine uptake and translocation and to characterize clopyralid-induced ethylene production in the susceptible (S) and resistant (R) biotypes. R and S yellow starthistle plants were grown under ambient greenhouse conditions until full rosette stage and then transferred to a growth chamber (14-hour photoperiod, 25°C, 200 mol·m–2·s–1) 48 hours before treatment. Radiolabel solutions were prepared from 12C and 14C-clopyralid. Each treatment in the uptake experiment contained 0.009 Ci (20,000 dpm) and in the translocation experiment 0.225 Ci (500,000 dpm). Clopyralid 11.7 mm (420 g a.e./ha) solutions were applied as six 0.5-L droplets to the adaxial surface of completely expanded leaves using a microsyringe. Radioactivity was quantified by Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry. Uptake was determined at specified times after treatment. Almost all clopyralid uptake occurred within the first 2 hours, with no significant differences between the two biotypes. The amount of picloram translocated was 2.4%, 40.2%, and 50.7% of that absorbed at 2, 24, and 96 hours after treatment, respectively, but was not different between biotypes. Clopyralid induced about ten times greater ethylene production in S than in R. Ethylene production was followed by epinasty and chlorosis but appears to play only a small role in the resistance mechanism.
Landscapes in the desert Southwest must be water efficient and utilize drought tolerant plants. Therefore, plants with landscape potential must be evaluated for their level of drought tolerance and drought tolerance mechanisms. Drought tolerance, for some plant species, may be related to the plants ability to produce ethylene as a mechanism for defoliation, thus reducing water use. Cassia corymbosa has potential as a woody shrub for southwestern landscapes because of its dark green foliage and bright yellow flowers. Studies were conducted to determine the effect of leaf dehydration and drought stress on ethylene production in Cassia. Leaf dehydration was examined by excising leaves and placing them at 20, 25, or 30 °C. The time course of ethylene production depended on the temperature (rate of dehydration), but the peak occurred at 18% to 25% fresh weight loss, regardless of dehydration temperature. The effect of irrigation rate was determined by supplying plants with 0%, 40%, 60% and 100% of the daily water consumption (WC) based on pot capacity. Ethylene production depended on irrigation rate. Plants irrigated at 100% of daily WC were not stressed and did not produce ethylene. Irrigation at 60% of daily WC induced peak ethylene production 72 hours after treatment with decreased production as at longer times. Irrigation at 40% or 0% of the daily WC did not induce ethylene production because of the rapid dehydration. Drought-induced ethylene production in Cassia corymbosa appears to be closely related to the rate of dehydration and may provide a drought tolerance mechanism.
Broom snakeweed [Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britt. & Rusby] is a suffrutescent shrub that is a problem in rangeland production areas because it interferes with forage growth and is potentially dangerous to livestock. Picloram, an auxin-like herbicide, is used for broom snakeweed control. Picloram-induced ethylene production may be important to its efficacy, therefore, studies were conducted to characterize ethylene production and phytotoxicity. Picloram, applied as individual drops, induced a linear increase in ethylene production (r= 0.738***) between 0 and 72 hr after treatment. When plants were sprayed with 0.125, 0.25 and 0.50 lb ae/A, ethylene production increased linearly through 120 hr then leveled off and began to decrease for all three concentrations. The highest rate of ethylene production was induced by 0.25 lb ae/A followed by 0.50 and 0.125, respectively. Epinasty was evident 24 hr after treatment and chlorosis 3 to 4 days after treatment. Both were more severe with increasing picloram concentration. It appears that picloram-induced ethylene production is an important component in picloram activity.
Rapid cycling brassica (RCB) plants, because of their short life cycle and ease of growth under laboratory conditions, offer a valuable tool for studying Brassica nutrition. We have been particularly interested in B nutrition in Brassica and, therefore, a hydroponic system was developed to accurately deliver micronutrient concentrations to RCB plants. RCB plants were supported in predrilled holes in the lids of brown 1-L plastic containers. Nutrients were supplied by spraying a modified Hoagland's solution onto the plant roots as they developed inside the containers. This system provided adequate solution aeration for plant growth and allowed analysis of both plant shoots and roots. RCB seeds were pregerminated for radicle emergence, then placed in the holes in the plastic container lids. The effect of B nutrient concentration on B uptake was examined using nutrient solutions containing 0.08, 0.02 and 0.00 ppm added B. Leaf B contents were 139.5, 26.1, and 7.1 g·g–1 for plants grown in 0.08, 0.02 and 0.00 ppm added B, respectively. Effects of drought stress on B uptake and distribution were studied by adjusting nutrient solution osmotic potential using polyethylene glycol (PEG) 8000. PEG-induced drought, (osmotic potential –0.1 MPa) reduced leaf and root B content ≈50% compared to plants grown in nutrient solution only (–0.05 MPa). Boron content in the shoots and pods, however, was not affected by PEG-induced drought stress. These results suggest that this system provides a reliable tool for studying nutrition and drought stress effects using RCB plants.
Effect of carrier volume (range 119 to 668 L·ha-1) on dose response relationships of daminozide and GA3 was investigated using bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seedlings as a model system. Carrier volume was varied by altering nozzle travel speed thereby maintaining constant flow rate and droplet size. Response was indexed by inhibition (daminozide) or stimulation (GA3) of elongation of first plus second internodes above primary leaves 14 days after spray application. Increasing dose by increasing concentration and/or increasing carrier volume at constant concentration increased response. For a given dose retained, response to daminozide was related positively to carrier volume, while GA3 response was not affected. Chemical names used: butanedioic acid mono(2,2-dimethylhydrazide) (daminozide); gibberellic acid (GA3).
High glucosinolate content in brassica meal is a limiting factor in consumption of rapeseed. In recent years canola cultivars of rapeseed with decreased glucosinolate content have been developed. However, environmental and nutritional factors are also believed to influence glucosinolate content. This study was conducted to determine the relationships among water stress, B nutrition, and glucosinolate content in canola. Two canola cultivars (`Cyclone' and `American A112') were grown in a continuously recirculating hydroponic system with modified Hoagland solution (0.6 ppm B). Water stress was induced gradually (2% per day using polyethylene glycol 8000) starting when plants were 4 weeks old. Osmotic potential was maintained at –0.1 MPa (high stress level), –0.085 MPa (medium stress), or 0.05 MPa (control). Treatments were arranged in a randomized incomplete-block design, with three blocks, four replications, two cultivars, and three treatments. Upper leaves (no. 15 and higher) were collected and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry for B content. Total and indole glucosinolate content of seeds were measured colorimetrically and by HPLC. The leaf B content of stressed plants decreased by 55% in `Cyclone' and 29% in `American A112'. Total glucosinolate content increased 28% and 12%, respectively, in stressed plants of `Cyclone' and `American A112'. Indole glucosinolate content was 44% and 13% higher in the same plants. The interaction between cultivar and water stress was not significant for glucosinolate content but was significant for B content of the leaves.