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  • Author or Editor: Muntubani D. S. Nzima x
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Trees that fruited during 1990 retained 67.3% of the inflorescence buds produced per branch in 1991 compared to 63.1% for trees that were defoliated immediately after harvest in 1990 and 21.3% by trees that were fruiting in 1991. Shading reduced bud retention similar to fruiting.

Defoliation after nut harvest accentuated the delayed costs of reproduction caused by previous season's fruiting whereas shading produced significantly greater immediate costs. Shading effects on the allocation of carbon to buds, leaves and shoots were similar to those of fruiting. Leaf net photosynthesis under shade conditions was reduced to 14.27% of control trees and this led to a significant reduction in the relative growth rates of all the organs surveyed.

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The objective of this investigation was to determine the dynamics of carbohydrate use as revealed by soluble sugar and starch concentration in leaves, inflorescence buds, rachises, nuts, current and 1-year-old wood, and primary and tertiary scaffold branches and roots (≤10 mm in diameter) of alternate-bearing `Kerman' pistachio (Pistachia vera L.) trees that were in their natural bearing cycles. Two hypotheses were tested. First, carbohydrate concentration is greater early in the growing season in organs examined from heavily cropping (“on”) than light cropping (“off”) trees. This hypothesis was affirmed as judged by soluble sugar and starch concentration in leaves, inflorescence buds, rachises, nuts, current and 1-year-old wood, and primary and tertiary branches and roots of “on” compared to “off” trees. Second, carbohydrate concentration remains high in “on” tree organs as the first wave of inflorescence bud and nut abscission occurs early in the growing season. This hypothesis was also affirmed. In fact, soluble sugars and starch remained high in “on” trees through full bloom FB + 60 days (FB + 60) as inflorescence bud and nut abscission occurred. In the persisting “on” tree inflorescence buds, sharp decreases in soluble sugars and starch were evident by the final sample date when “off” tree inflorescence buds contained a 13 times greater concentration of soluble sugars and starch than “on” tree buds. At that time, “off” tree inflorescence buds contained 50% more dry mass than “on” tree inflorescence buds. After FB + 60, “on” tree soluble sugars and starch declined in all organs as nut growth occurred. During the same time period, organs of “off” trees began to accumulate greater concentrations of soluble sugars and starch and exceeded concentrations measured in organs of “on” trees.

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Isothermal microcalorimetric measurements of metabolic heat rates of `Kerman' pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) individual inflorescence buds, current-year and 1-year-old shoots were used to investigate the roles of current and reserve photosynthates in the abscission of inflorescence buds. In the early stages of development metabolic heat rates of individual inflorescence buds were two and three times those of individual current-year and 1-year-old shoots respectively. Individual shoot organs (1-year-old shoots, current-year shoots, and inflorescence buds) sampled from “on” trees had higher metabolic heat rates than similar individual organs sampled from “off” trees. Artificial shading of pistachio trees for 14 days in early June depressed metabolic heat rates of individual inflorescence buds within 24 h, but there was a delay of 4 days before the decline in metabolic heat rates of individual current-year and 1-year-old shoots. This suggests that metabolic heat rates of individual inflorescence buds apparently depended on currently fixed photosynthates.

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Early fall (September) defoliation and late spring (early June) shading of “off” and “on” pistachio trees were used to test two hypotheses: that 1) fall defoliation would reduce carbohydrate storage sufficiently to suppress spring growth and 2) spring shading would reduce carbohydrate status and increase inflorescence bud abscission. Defoliation suppressed initial leaf area expansion the following spring on current year shoots of “off” but not “on” trees respectively. Suppression of leaf size was correlated with the initial low concentration of carbohydrates in organs of individual branches of the tree. Fruiting and artificial shading in June had more dramatic effects on growth parameters than defoliating. Shading “off” trees for 14 days in early June accelerated abscission of inflorescence buds, reduced dry mass of individual leaves, buds, current year and 1-year-old shoots. Shading also reduced the concentration of total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC) of these organs in “off” and “on” trees. Fruiting suppressed leaf size and leaf dry mass by 20% and 30% among individual branches of undefoliated and defoliated trees respectively. Low carbohydrate concentrations in individual branches and inflorescence buds following shading were closely correlated with the abscission of inflorescence buds.

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We investigated the development of leaf area (LA) and the distribution of dry matter within branches of 25-year-old, alternate-bearing `Kerman' pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) trees that were in their natural “on” (heavy) or “off” (light) bearing cycles to determine the immediate and delayed effects of fruiting on shoot growth. Compared to “off” trees, individual leaves of “on” trees were greater in number and expanded twice as fast during the first 30 days after full bloom (FB) (FB + 30). Mature, fully expanded leaves of “on” trees were smaller (124.1±3.26 cm2) than those from “off” tree (163.3±3.40 cm2), indicating delayed demands of fruiting on initial leaf growth. Total LA per current shoot was greater in “on” than “off” trees because shoots of “on” trees averaged eight leaves, compared with six for “off” trees. More inflorescence buds per shoot (seven vs. three buds) abscised from “on” than from “off” trees. About 60% of the young developing nuts had abscised by FB + 30 when they weighed <250 mg each and another 25% abscised between FB + 30 and FB + 60 when individual nuts weighed ≈400 mg. The average total dry mass (DM) of individual branches of “on” trees increased 1322% (5·9 to 83·9 g) compared to 598% (4·2 to 29·3 g) in “off” trees. Besides nuts, leaves accumulated the greatest amount of dry matter within individual branches followed in decreasing order by current wood, 1-year-old wood, and inflorescence buds. DMs of individual leaves of “on” trees averaged between 15% and 48% greater than leaves of “off” trees. “Off” trees invested 4.6 g of dry matter into individual 1-year-old wood and 2.1 g into current wood. “On” trees, however, invested 1.3 g of dry matter into 1-year-old wood and 4.3 g of dry matter into current wood. One-year-old wood was an important major source of carbohydrates for developing leaves, current wood, rachises, and nuts. The immediate demands of fruiting on individual components of a branch were measured as losses in DMs. Individual leaves, current wood, 1-year wood, and rachises lost 1.1%, 0.3%, 1.1%, and 1.0%, respectively, of the average total DMs of individual branches of “on” trees. This loss was equivalent to 5.7%, 5.9%, 26.7%, and 16.4%, respectively, of the seasonal average peak DMs of the respective individual components of the branch.

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