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- Author or Editor: Mordy A. Atta-Aly x
Ethylene production by locule gel tissue excised from full-size immature- and mature-green tomato fruit was inhibited by exposure to l00μl·l-1 C2H4, and ACC content was reduced. In contrast, CO2 production, EFE activity, red color development, and tissue liquefaction were stimulated by C2H4, and, in immature gel, the onset of autocatalytic C2H4 production was hastened. The autoinhibition of C2H4 production required continuous exposure to C2H4, as transfer to air and then back to C2H4 resulted in C2H4 production first increasing to control levels, then decreasing again. Locule tissue from pink fruit responded to C2H4 treatment with increased production of both C2H4 and CO2, but ACC levels were unchanged. Inhibition of C2H4 action by pretreatment with STS inhibited both autoinhibition of C2H4 production in immature gel and autocatalytic C2H4 production in mature tissue. These results indicate that there is a transition from a negative to a positive feedback mechanism of C2H4 on C2H4 biosynthesis in locule gel during ripening. Additionally, this feedback mechanism, which involves ACC synthase, is apparently under separate control from the other manifestations of C2H4 action.