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In a unique partnership. the University of Kentucky Dept. of Horticulture, the Cooperative Extension Service, and the Kentucky State Division of Forestry are teaming up to produce two training packages for “train-the-trainer” workshops throughout the state. The workshops will be open to people interested in urban/community trees and arboriculture.

The first training session will be held in 1993 and will cover five modules: 1) Designing the planting site to compensate for a disturbed environment; 2) Species selection for the existing site; 3) Scientific planting techniques; 4) Post-planting care: and 5) Integrated pest management.

The second training session will be held in 1994 and will cover the following topics: 1) Establishing a scientific management program for the urban forest; 2) Preparation and administration of grants: 3) Fund-raising and efficient use of volunteers; 4) Developing an urban tree inventory; 5) Recognition of hazard trees; and 6) Selecting quality nursery stock.

The training packages will consist of a written manual, videos, and slide sets. Training sessions are open to foresters, county agents, city planners, developers, and others in Kentucky who are interested in returning to their communities and training others on the topics covered.

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America the Beautiful and Urban and Community Forestry grant programs, part of the expanded Forestry Title of the 1990 Farm Bill, authorized funding to encourage citizen involvement in creating and supporting long-term and sustained urban and community forestry programs. U.K. Woody Ornamental scientists and the KY Division of Forestry Urban Forestry Coordinator planned and implemented the following educational programs to this end: 1) comprehensive training manual on Managing Trees in the Urban Environment, including a guide for the care and protection of trees, grant application, and managing of volunteers; 2) three publications on small, medium-sized, and large trees for urban spaces; 3) interactive hypertext version of tree selector publications; 4) statewide workshops on Trees in Communities; 5) annual statewide Urban Forestry Short Course; 5) Plant Health Care and Hazard Trees workshops for arborists. The comprehensive program brings city planners, government personnel, public work's personnel, arborists, builders and developers, horticulturists and landscape architects, tree board members, homeowners' associations, Master Gardeners, and other community volunteers together to support quality programming for preservation and enhancement of valuable natural resource of trees.

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Our objective was to determine heat tolerance and performance of 245 summer-flowering annual plant cultivars installed 16 Mar. 1995 in beds receiving full sun located at the E.V. Smith Research Center in Shorter, Ala. (lat. 32°30′N, long. 85°40′W). No maintenance, with the exception of one midseason pruning of petunias, was performed. Catharanthus roseus L. `Blush Cooler' had the highest mean rating (4.1 of 5.0). Salvia farinacea Benth. `Victoria Blue' and Petunia ×hybrida `Fantasy Pink' both performed well with 3.5 mean ratings. `Purple Wave', a compact spreading cultivar of P. ×hybrida, had a 3.1 mean rating, but had a 5.0 rating before pruning. We do not recommend pruning `Purple Wave'. Of the 34 marigold cultivars evaluated, Tagetes erecta L. `Antigua Mixed' had the highest mean rating. Tagetes erecta `Inca Yellow' and `Perfection Gold' tied with the second highest mean rating.

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A demonstration study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of biological and chemical control treatments on the greenhouse whitefly (GHWF) (Trialeurodes vaporariorum, Westwood) using poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Wild.) stock plants. Two identical greenhouse compartments, each containing 84 stock plants, were used. In the biological control compartment, three biweekly releases of Encarsia formosa (EF) were made, while in the chemical control compartment eight weekly applications of resmethrin or acephate aerosol treatments were made. Results showed that overall greenhouse whitefly populations in the chemical control compartment were slightly lower than in the biological control compartment. Cuttings taken from stock plants in the biological control compartment at the end of the experiment were commercially acceptable with regard to the presence of GHWF adults. Chemical names used: O,S-dimethyl acetylphosphoramidothioate (acephate), [5-(phenylmethyl)-3-furanyl] methyl 2,2-dimethyl-3-(2-methyl-1-propenyl)cyclopropane-carboxylate (resmethrin).

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