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When 2 mutant dwarf watermelons were crossed, the F1 was of normal vine type, indicating that these genes for dwarfness were non-allelic. The F2 segregated 9:3:3:1, with the double recessive a plant form hitherto unreported. The designated genotype of this digenic recessive dwarf is dw 1 dw 1 dw 2 dw 2. It has much shorter internodes than either parent, the crown branching characteristic of 1 parent and the naked bud characteristic of the other, and it was later in maturity than either parent.
Breeding lines derived from double recessive plants show promise of horticultural value as cultivars for the home garden and intensive commercial culture with the possibility of a mechanized harvest.
Ancymidol (α-cyclopropyl-α(pmethoxyphenyl)-5-pyrimidine-methanol) combined with surface active agents was tested to determine any increase of surface penetration for height control of hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla Thunb.) and Easter Lilies (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.) The nonionic surfactants polyoxpropylene polyethoxyethanol dihydroxypropane (Hydrowet), polyoxyethylene polypropoxypropanol dihydroxypropane (Regulaid), and alkarylpolyoxyethylene glycols (X-77) were used. Ancymidol with the surfactant was applied on hydrangea as a foliar spray at 25, 50 or 100 ppm concentration or as a soil drench containing 1, 2 or 3 mg ai per plant. Hydrowet and Regulaid were effective when applied as a foliar spray. Only Hydrowet was effective when applied as a soil drench. Greater height control occurred with the combination of the surfactant and ancymidol as a foliar spray. Easter lilies were sprayed with ancymidol and surfactant as a foliar spray at 50 or 100 ppm concentration as a soil drench at 0.25 or 0.50 mg ai per plant. Hydrowet, Regulaid, and X-77 all increased surface penetration of ancymidol but did not increase the effectiveness of soil drenches of ancymidol.
A higher level of auxin-like growth promoter was found in seedlings of the tall cucumber cultivar than in those of the dwarf. However, the highest level of GA-like growth promoter was found in the shoot tips of the dwarf cultivar, both in seedlings and mature plants; and this fraction was chromatographically similar to authentic GA3. The difference in GA-like activity between dwarf and tall was greater in the shoot tips of seedlings than in those of mature plants. Furthermore, the content of GA-like material was similar in dark grown tall and dwarf cucumber, but in light grown seedlings the activity was nearly twice as high in the dwarf as in the tall. These data are supported by mevalonate-2-14c feeding experiments.