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  • Author or Editor: Laurie DeMarco x
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Gardening is increasing in use as the focus of interdisciplinary teaching units in the elementary school curriculum and as a stratagem for student therapeutic, recreational, and social experiences. Elementary school teachers, identified as experienced in using gardening as a teaching tool, were surveyed and interviewed to determine successful strategies for integration of gardening into elementary school curricula. The most important factors determined by these teachers for the successful use of gardening in the curriculum were 1) student and faculty ownership or commitment to integrating gardening in their curriculum, 2) availability of physical resources, and 3) faculty knowledge and skill in the application of gardening to enhance an interdisciplinary curriculum. Educators who incorporate school gardening into their curriculum report that school gardening is a somewhat successful (35.2%) or very successful (60.6%) teaching tool that enhances the learning of their students. Most (92%) teachers surveyed requested additional school gardening education for themselves.

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Through a CyberServe Grant, a WWW Home Page and student/community listserve were established as core communication tools for a special study taught Spring 1997, Hort 4984, Horticulture and the Community: Professional Growth through Volunteering. It incorporated the Blacksburg Electronic Village to easily put student volunteers and the community programs they worked with in direct contact with each other, allowing an exchange of ideas that made them equal partners in their endeavors. It provided direct access to valuable information to understand the principles and philosophy behind programming efforts for both students and community sites where they volunteered. It also was a recruiting tool to involve other students and the Horticulture Club in service-learning projects because students in the class could post “help” notices to entice classmates to participate in defined projects. It provided students with knowledge and experience in the role of the Internet in enhancing the quality of life in their communities. Information installed on the site included reading materials on Horticultural Therapy, children's gardening, community gardening, science education through gardening, and volunteering in these areas; community site descriptions and slides, program activities, goals of program participants, and materials from the program (i.e., selected first-grade drawings of their garden); students participating in the class and information about them; goals, objectives, and management information on the course; and links to relevant information from around the world to put the activities of the students in an international framework.

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A national survey was conducted of teachers who use school gardening and horticulture as a teaching strategy to enhance student learning within a educational curriculum. The surveyed teachers are employed by schools that were recipients of a Youth Gardening Grant from the National Gardening Assn. in the 1994–95 and 1995–96 school years. The intent of this survey was to define the factors that are crucial to the successful implementation of school gardening into the elementary school curriculum as determined by educators who have already implemented such a program. The survey also described the characteristics of school gardening experiences at these elementary schools. Personal interviews with experienced school gardening educators in Virginia and Maryland verified survey results. Educators reported that the factors most responsible for school gardening success were a person responsible for school gardening activities, a growing site, and funding. Support of the principal and the availability of gardening equipment were also highly rated as success factors. Teachers indicated that, although these factors are important, they are not necessarily available at their individual schools. Responses also included an enormous listing of resources used by teachers to meet their school gardening needs. The survey overwhelmingly indicated that experienced educators view school gardening as a successful teaching strategy to enhance student learning. However, educators rely primarily on their personal knowledge of gardening to implement learning experiences with their students. Teachers feel that although their personal gardening knowledge is adequate, they are greatly interested in continued education in the use of school gardening and horticulture, either as in-service training, Master Gardener training, or for continuing education credit.

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