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  • Author or Editor: L. E. Powell Jr. x
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Levels of free and hydrolyzable abscisic acid (ABA, H-ABA) in vegetative apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) buds were measured by electron capture gas chromatography. ABA level was high during midsummer both before and after entry into dormancy, increased to a maximum just prior to leaf fall, and decreased to a minimum just prior to bloom. H-ABA level was low during midsummer, increased gradually during fall and winter, reached a maximum during the early stages of bud development, and then decreased very rapidly just prior to full bloom.

Open Access

Hydrogen cyanamide (Dormex) treatments were applied to 17 insufficiently chilled peach and nectarine cultivars ≈6 weeks after normal budbreak. Treatment effectively induced vegetative budbreak and reduced shoot dieback. The responses to Dormex treatments were linear, with the 2% rate being more effective than the 0 and 1% rates in most cases.

Free access